
Review the two negative message letters


Write TWO Negative Message letters (one Bad News on any topic and One Arguable Claim (complaint Letter). It is important that you choose a topic that will allow you to develop the letter sufficiently to make the length guidelines, and will also demonstrate your skills as a writer. Write in the concise style characteristic of good business writing and in a language and tone appropriate to your audience and purpose.

One needs to be an Arguable Claim Letter (non routine) - which means that there is no warranty or 'contract' and you have a problem that needs resolution. Prepare both letters using the Indirect, Negative Message Pattern.

These letters convey negative information, so they open with a buffer that sets a professional tone that is sensitive to the reader. The buffer is followed by the explanation, then the bad news and ends by trying to leave the reader with a goodwill closing.

You might write for reasons such as the following:

1. A letter to the editor, complaining about a particular issue of interest to the community.

2. A performance appraisal letter that contains negative information.

3. Rejection to a job candidate

4. A letter regarding dissatisfaction with an item that is no longer in warranty or where you have no sales receipt

5. Dissatisfaction with a travel or dining experience

6. Problems with billing for something (such as a phone bill, power bill etc)

In all cases, imagine the kind of correspondence that you may be called upon to write in your current position or in the business you hope to enter.

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Other Management: Review the two negative message letters
Reference No:- TGS01783837

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