
Review the taxman v board of education

Discuss the below in detail:

1. Review the scenario presented as it relates to the case of Hoyle v. Freightliner. Were the actions of the co-workers towards the female employee sufficient to meet the severe and pervasive threshold? Also, was the job reassignment to janitorial work indicative of discrimination or retaliation towards her? In providing your opinion, make sure to also indicate what you think the court should decide in this case. Next, look up the case. What did the court decide, and why? Do you agree with the court's decision? (250 words)

2. Review the scenario presented as it relates to the case of Taxman v. Board of Education. Although the school was concerned about diversity and took steps to ensure diversity in the business department, were the steps necessary since the amount of African American faculty in the school district exceeded the African American population in the community at large? In providing your opinion, make sure to also indicate what you think the court should decide in this case. Next, look up the case. What did the court decide, and why? Do you agree with the court's decision? (250 words)

3. Social media is changing the landscape of hiring and promotion. Some companies are going to candidates' social media pages (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace) and looking at their postings and pictures before making hiring decisions. Some would argue that this can lead to impermissible discrimination by viewing this information. Some might argue that this is a violation of privacy and should not be allowed. Others would argue that viewing this information is fair game if the person did not opt to make their profile confidential. What is your opinion? Defend your thoughts. Cite to any articles or case law you reviewed prior to responding to this question. (200 words)



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