
Review the table of contents and index to get ideas the

Essays Assignment

There will be one 7-8 page paper in this course. You must have at least ten academic sources. Other than government websites (.gov), websites in general are not acceptable sources but if you have any questions please email me. You will choose your own topic related to an aspect of criminology. A good place to start is the text. Review the table of contents and index to get ideas. The papers should NOT be about any specific offender. All students must get their topic approved. You should have your topic approved. Students who do not get topic approval before they write their paper will have five points deducted. Try to avoid sensationalism and produce a paper that has a strong theoretical foundation. Refer to the "Paper" button for information on the paper guidelines.

The paper should have at least twelve sources that can be books, peer-reviewed journal articles, or government websites (i.e., Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, etc.). Websites are not suitable sources! If you have any questions regarding the suitability of a source, please email me before submitting your paper. Each paper must have a title page, an abstract, a reference page, and running heads.

The paper should be completed in an MS Word document using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) and submitted via the "Paper" link by the due date posted on the schedule. Do not email assignments. Links to websites on APA Style are also posted on Blackboard via the "Paper" button.

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Other Subject: Review the table of contents and index to get ideas the
Reference No:- TGS02393890

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