
Review the survey results on change readiness

Assignment task:

You have been called to a meeting with the CEO, Jacob Zielinski, and the COO, Sofia Morales.

"CEO: Good morning! We are here today to talk about the change initiative that we are planning for our Bangalore call center. Based on recommendations from last month, we are going to change the work hours in our call center to 40 hours a week. However, this is going to involve a shift in the working hours for most of our employees, since we still need to maintain 24/7 service. So, we are hiring new employees who will be shadowing our current customer service employees. The current employees will be training the new employees on the job.

COO: Yes, I've heard from the managers that some of the employees are concerned about this. They're saying that their work hours went down but their workload went up because they need to train the new employees! They are afraid that the new employees will just be a burden on them.

CEO: It's very frustrating because we are trying to improve the working conditions while maintaining quality customer service. We'd like to hear what your role can be in this change and how you can help us overcome employee resistance.

COO: You know I am big on data, so I've collected some data on change readiness among the employees. I would like you to analyze this data and write up a summary of what you find. Also, I am concerned about performance, so I would like to see some key performance indicators tracked and measured after we increase the number of employees.

CEO: Overall, this is a three-part task: We need a plan for what HR can do to help prepare for this change, a summary of what we know about change readiness among the employees, and at least three KPIs you suggest tracking and measuring.  Since today is Monday, I am hoping you could have something for us by the end of the week."

Review the survey results on change readiness and then do the following:

  • analyze the survey results and write a summary of your findings
  • recommend a plan for change based on a change model
  • suggest at least three KPIs and explain how you can track and measure them

You may need to research how to collect metrics around KPIs in order to make informed suggestions. Change Readiness Survey Results

Employee Impression of the Change and its Personal Impact

Agree Disagree
The change will help me progress in my career. 12 48
The change will improve my salary and/or benefits. 0 60
The change will not affect my hours or schedule. 0 60
The change will not hurt my job stability. 28 32
The change will benefit my health. 16 44
The change will make my work environment more enjoyable. 26 34

Employee Impression of Change Readiness at Parlatech

Agree Disagree
Parlatech has a good track record for implementing change successfully. 19 41
Parlatech takes care of employees who experience negative effects from organizational changes. 23 37
Parlatech rewards employees who innovate and support change. 42 18
My colleagues are receptive to change. 31 29
My management team is receptive to feedback during change efforts. 25 35


Creasey, T. (n.d.). When should you use a change management readiness assessment?

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Other Management: Review the survey results on change readiness
Reference No:- TGS03421675

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