
Review the steps that should go into making an ethical

Case Study Report on Company Ethical Decisions

  1. Review the steps that should go into making an ethical decision in the Ethical Cases document (see below).
  2. Select a case from the Company Ethical Decisions section below.
  3. Research the case further in order to better understand the different points of view surrounding the ethical decision.
  4. In a written paper, outline the ethical issue including the different points of view.
  5. Explain how the company appears to have responded to the steps of making an ethical decision.
  6. Did the company follow all the steps, and if not which ones does it appear that it missed?
  7. Do you agree or disagree with the way the company appears to have answered the questions of each step, and why?
  8. Reflect on the way a company ethical decision can impact society.

Following example is used for cases study report-

Kraft: took a pledge to stop advertising unhealthy foods to young children. It plans on eliminating in-school marketing and drop some unhealthy snacks from school vending machines.

Steps to Make Ethical Decisions

  • Ethics should play a large role in the decision-making process. Think about the important items and ethical questions raised throughout this course in class discussion and reading assignments. When making an ethical decision there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. Consider the following steps that should go into making an ethical decision:Assess the situation. What are you being asked to do? Is it illegal? Is it unethical? Who might be harmed?
  • Identify the stakeholders and consider the situation from their point of view. For example, consider the point of view of the company's employees, top management, stockholders, customers, suppliers, and community.
  • Consider the alternatives you have available to you and how they affect the stakeholders:Consequences
  • duties, rights, and principles
  • implications for personal integrity and character
  • How does the action make you feel about yourself? How would you feel if your actions were reported tomorrow in the Wall Street Journal (or your daily newspaper)? How would you explain your actions to your mother or to your 10-year-old child?
  • Make a decision. This might involve going to your boss or to a neutral third party (such as an ombudsman or ethics committee). Know your values and your limits. If the company does nothing to rectify the situation, do you want to continue working for the company?
  • Monitor outcomes. How did the decision work out? How did it turn out for all concerned? If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently?Is this decision fair?
  • Will I feel better or worse about myself after I make this decision?
  • Does this decision break any organizational rules?
  • Does this decision break any laws?
  • How would I feel if this decision was broadcast on the news?

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Business Management: Review the steps that should go into making an ethical
Reference No:- TGS02336497

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