
Review the statistical tests lectures ie anova correlations

The information posted here below has already been answered. It is just giving you my hypothesis and the information in which need to do this assignment. The assignment instructions are attached below as well as a model of the APA format in which the paper should be written.

Part I

This will be the hypothesis you investigate and write about this semester (and in the questions below).Below, list your single outcome variable and your predictor variables (you must list at least 2) that will be part of your research (Step A).

For each listed variable, indicate what type of variable it is (i.e. level of measurement - refer to Chapter 5 in your textbook to learn about levels of measurement) (Step B).

A. My single outcome variable is (1) GPA and my predictor variables are (2) Study, (3) Drinks typical, and (4) TV.

B. List all the variables (outcome and predictors) with the corresponding level of measurement (i.e. gender - nominal). Be sure to distinguish between interval and ratio levels of measurement.

1. GPA - Ratio

2. Study - Ratio

3. Drinks typical - Ratio

4. TV - Ratio

Part II

Review the statistical tests lectures (i.e. ANOVA, correlations, etc.) to investigate different analysis techniques. The statistical tests will depend on the level of measurement. If you're unsure of the level of measurement for your variable, please review the Class Survey Codebook.

Based on the type of variables in your hypothesis, indicate which technique (or techniques) you will use to investigate how your predictor variables relate to your outcome variable.

Note: Because you have multiple predictor variables, you may be able to use a single analysis technique that incorporates all of your predictors at once (ex. they can all fit in a multiple regression) OR you may need to run one or more separate analyses (with one or more different analysis techniques). Do your best to investigate your analysis options and explain (to the best of your ability) how you plan to analyze your data.

I will use multiple regression analysis to establish whether the number of hours a student studies per week, the number of alcoholic drinks a student takes per day and whether the amount of time a student spends watching television predict their current GPA. Regression is the best statistical test for this case because all these variables are measured at the ratio level.

The regression coefficients generated will be used to explain to what extent each of the three independent variables affects the predictor variable. Theoretically, each of these variables in their own way has an effect on a student's current GPA and the regression will make it clear the effect each has as will be indicated by their coefficients.

Written Exam : Literature Review

GOAL: To demonstrate an understanding of what researcher has been conducted on your research topic. This will serve as the introduction/literature review for your research project.


· Jobs, research, and your own need to know answers to questions will require you to be able to seek out information relating to a given topic. A literature review is a formal way of gathering relevant and trustworthy information about a selected topic.

· A key part of a literature review is synthesizing information. This concept might be foreign to many students (and difficult to grasp at first), but it is something that will help you be better able to seek out information from multiple sources and then present it in an organized way (again, something that will likely be needed for a future job or research).

· In APA-formatted research papers, the literature is often incorporated into the introduction or follows the introduction of a given topic. This is because understanding what research has been done on a certain topic is an important part of expanding what we know on that topic.


(1) This exam will center on the research question/hypothesis you selected in your Week 2 Variables/Data Analysis assignment. For your remaining written exams, you will work on developing, investigating, and writing about this hypothesis.

(2) Carefully review the information about Literature Reviews under the Weeks 2 and 3 tab and under the assignment tab in the course site. It will be very helpful to download the APA6 Template under Organization - you can use this paper as a template to work from because it already has properly formatted running heads, etc.

(3) Conduct a review of the literature on your selected topic. Become familiar with research available on your topic and variables of interest (outcome and predictor variables). You will want to focus your search on materials that are appropriate for an academic paper, including journal articles and books. (Review distinguishing between scholarly articles and other types of information and how to search for scholarly articles under Week 1). At the beginning of the research process, you will likely gather more information and references than you will include in your final paper - you will cut down on your information once you begin writing.

(4) Write a 3-4 page literature review in APA 6 format (size 10-12 Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins) that tells us what research has been done on your outcome variable and what studies have found related to how your predictor variables may influence the outcome variable from AT LEAST FIVE scholarly sources (you may already have three from Written Exam 1: Research Questions). This should naturally flow into a paragraph about what your study aims to do (your hypotheses).

Include a cover page (1 page) with title of your paper, name, and running head. Format the first page of your literature review as if you were writing an introduction, which means you should include a title at the top of the page. Be sure to include a final paragraph that introduces the reader to YOUR hypotheses/research questions. Provide a references page in APA format. An abstract is NOT required at this time. Your cover page and references page are not included in the 3-4 page requirement.

Useful information:


· Review weblinks provided, especially APA6Template and the 5 paragraph essay for examples on how to organize your literature review.

· Avoid using I, we, our (first person). Remember, you are synthesizing information, not offering your opinion.

· Keep in mind that this is a short page limit and you will be unable to do a truly comprehensive literature review, but you can do your best to present the most relevant information (in a synthesized form) within the page limit.

Running head: USING APA STYLE 1


Writing a Successful Paper: Using APA Style

Sparky T. Sundevil


The second page usually contains your abstract, which is a summary of your paper. The abstract should include your topic, purpose/thesis, sources, and conclusions. Some instructors may tell you not to include an abstract for a short paper. Unless the instructor tells you to omit this section, go ahead and include it.

The abstract generally ranges from 150 to 250 words, based on instructor or journal requirements (make sure you do not exceed abstract word limits). The abstract is one paragraph, left justified, with no indentation (i.e., "block" style). Note that the title "Abstract" is on the first line of this page and is not bolded or italicized or underlined.. Also note that the running head is at the top of the page along with the page number.

Writing a Successful Paper: Using APA Style

This is where you start the text of your paper. Notice that the title is on the first line of this page and that everything is evenly spaced (double spaced) thereafter. There is no extra line between the title and the first paragraph. Also note that the title is not bolded or italicized or underlined. It is in the same font as the rest of the text.

Let's start off by talking about levels of heading. APA 6 has five levels of heading that you should use in order. You should start with level 1 heading format. Here are the heading levels.

Level One is a Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Level Two is a Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Level 3 is an indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.

Level four is an indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.

Level five is an indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.

Let's practice using these headings in this paper as we talk about some different issues in using APA style - see if you can follow along with the different heading levels.

Paper Formatting

An APA paper should be double spaced with no extra spaces between your text and titles (see how Paper Formatting is just above this paragraph?). Margins should be set at 1 inch all around. The preferred typeface is Times Roman 12 point font. Also, paragraphs should start with a ½ inch indent.

About the Running Head

The "Running head" is designed to tell the editor what you would like to see on the top of the journal (magazine) pages of your article. Open up a journal and you will see the authors' names at the top of the page on one side of the journal; on the other side (at the top) is the running head. This makes it easy to find articles as you flip through a journal or magazine. The running head is simply an abbreviated title. If the title of your paper is short, the running head may be exactly the same as the title.

Note that the "h" in "Running head" is not capitalized. The Running head and page number should be within your page header (1/2 inch from the top) so that it appears on each page of your paper. Make sure you use your MS Word autoformat and click "header"...it automatically places the running head and page number on all the pages and has the correct number on your pages when you click the # sign and insert it in the header. How do you use this??

Simply click "View," in your top toolbar. Then click "Header and Footer." You will automatically be placed in the header. Use the pop-up toolbar to insert your page number. If you use this paper as a template, you can simply keep the formatting and update the title.

About Citing Articles

[Do you see how the heading above is a level 1 heading? We're starting a new topic]

Finally, let me say a few words about citing articles within your paper. Many students plagiarize without know it. Students believe that if they cite the author's name, they have not plagiarized. However, often they are wrong, and they have plagiarized! What's up with that?!

Using Quotations [this is a level 2 heading - it is a topic within "About Citing Articles"]

Okay...let's see if I can help you avoid this problem. First, you may use direct quotes in your paper. If you use a direct quote, make sure you put quotation marks around it. For example: According to Bodman (2000), "students believe that if they cite the author's name, they have not plagiarized. However, often they are wrong, and they have plagiarized!" (p. 3-4). When using a direct quote, make sure you use page numbers.

Do not plop quotes. [This is a level 3 heading - it is a topic within the sub-topic of Using Quotations]. Avoid simply plopping a quote in the middle of a paper without introducing it. For example: "Students believe that if they cite the author's name, they have not plagiarized. However, often they are wrong, and they have plagiarized!" (Bodman, 2000, p. 3-4). This is not good form.

Use quotes sparingly. [This is another level 3 heading -a topic within the sub-topic of Using Quotations]. If a professor allows you to use direct quotes, a good rule of thumb is limit the number of direct quotes to only one per page; everything else should be paraphrased or your own writing. Also, only use quotes that are so eloquent and well-written or unique that you must quote it directly. Avoid quoting something like: According to Doe (1992), "275,000,000 people live in the United States of America." You can provide the same information in your own words and cite Doe. His statement was not particularly eloquent or unique!

You Must Cite Other People's Ideas [Now we're back to a level 2 heading - it is not within the sub-topic of Using Quotations but within the broader topic of "About Citing Authors"].

Next...any idea that you get from an article must be cited. You might say to yourself, "Hey, self! I know that there are three types of parenting styles...authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. I've known this for a long time because I learned it in lots of classes." If you decide to talk about any of these parenting styles in your paper, you MUST cite a good source. You can only discuss them without citing if YOU YOURSELF MADE UP THE TERMS/IDEAS! If you are discussing something you did not invent or make up, go to the source or at the very least go to one of your old textbooks that discussed it and cite that.

Examples of how to cite. [Back to a level 3 heading - this topic is within the sub-topic of "You Must Cite Other People's Work"]. Any information that you learned from an article and are including in your paper must be cited. Some students say, "If I did that, I would be citing every line!" In truth, sometimes that is what you have to do. When citing an author, try to remember "framing" and cite with the first sentence that contains information from the article (i.e., don't wait until the end of the paragraph to cite the author). For example...

Smith and Wesson (1995) state that parents who read to their children are preparing their children to be excellent readers in the future. According to their research, children of parents who read to them in infancy score higher on reading achievement tests in the 3rd grade. Furthermore, they found these children to do better in all language arts classes (Smith & Wesson, 1995).

Do you see how I framed the paragraph? I immediately told the reader where the following information was going to come from and then cited at the end of the information from the same fictional article. The reader then assumes that everything between those citations is from that article (and you don't have to put in those stupid parentheses after every sentence!).

Suppose the information in the last sentence of the example above actually came from someone else? Then, you'd cite as follows...

Smith and Wesson (1995) state that parents who read to their children are preparing their children to be excellent readers in the future. According to their research, children of parents who read to them in infancy score higher on reading achievement tests in the 3rd grade. In another study, Johnson and Johnson (1999) found that children of reading parents to do better in all language arts classes. Thus, it appears that reading to children is important for intellectual growth.

Plagiarism is Bad

It's really important that you don't plagiarize. Use your own words to state what the author says. Sometimes it helps to read the information, then look up and explain what you read in your own words. Do not make the mistake of taking the author's words and simply changing a few words. For example, suppose your read in Berger (1998): "Even in today's changing world, mothers and fathers together are more likely to meet all their infant's needs - biological, cognitive, and social - than either one alone." Do NOT do the following:

Even in today's world, parents together are more likely to meet all their infant's needs than one parent alone (Berger, 1998).

This is still plagiarism! You have changed a few words, but most of the words are still Berger's! It is your job to tell the reader what Berger's ideas are, but do so in your own words, such as: It is difficult for one parent alone to meet the myriad of needs children have (Berger, 1998).

Check out the links related to plagiarism, as well as the FAS/CDE Student Handbook. You will find some excellent examples. At first, learning to restate others' ideas will seem difficult; after awhile, however, it will become second nature.

Page Numbers are Required for Quotes but Handy for Paraphrasing

One final thought. According to APA 6, all direct quotes MUST have page numbers. However, when you cite an author without using a direct quote, you MAY include the page number where you found the idea. A lot of readers appreciate knowing exactly where to look up the information.

Numbers in APA Format

Generally, you can use numerals for values of 10 and greater, but you should write out the numbers using words for values below 10. However, there are some exceptions.

When to use Numerals

Numbers 10 and above, numbers in the abstract, numbers before a unit of measurement (ex. 4 cm), numbers that are part of mathematical functions (ex. divided by 2), numbers that represent percentages/ratios/percentiles (ex. 3%), numbers that are part of dates, ages, time, points, money (ex. 1-year-olds).

When to use Words

Numbers that begin a sentence (avoid starting a sentence with a number), common fractions (ex. one third), to approximate time (ex. about twelve months ago), in some cases, when numbers would be used back to back (as in 4 two-way intersections or twelve 7-point scales).

More About Numbers

Use commas between groups of three digits (ex. 2,000), except for page numbers, serial numbers, temperature. Pluralize numbers by adding an s and not using an apostrophe (ex. the 1930s were great).


Use one space after commas, colons, semicolons, periods in a reference citation, and periods in initials for names. Do not enter any spaces after periods for abbreviations (such as e.g., a.m.). Insert two spaces after punctuation at the end of a sentence.

Include commas before the and/or when listing a series of items. For example: I like tacos, burritos, and churros. The following would be INCORRECT: I like tacos, burritos and churros.

Use quotation marks around the title of an article, periodical chapter, or book chapter when mentioning that title within your text (p. 91). However, use italics (not quotation marks) for the title of the books, periodicals, films, videos, and TV shows. Use quotation marks "to introduce a word or phrase used as an ironic comment, as slang, or as an invented or coined expression. Use quotation marks the first time the word or phrase is used; thereafter, do not use quotation marks" (APA 6 manual, p. 91). Instead of quotation marks, italicize technical or key terms.


It is best to use an active voice (Adams conducted an experiment at ASU) rather than a passive voice (An experiment was conducted at ASU). In some instances, when you want the focus to be on the object (not the actor), then you might use passive voice.


Berger, K. S. (1998). The developing person through the life span (4th ed.). New York, NY: Worth. doi: xxxxxx

Bodman, D. A., Van Vleet, B. L., & Van Vleet, N. T. (2000). Writing term papers. Important Journal, 123, 2-10. doi: xxxxx

Doe, J. (1992). Population statistics. Another Important Journal, 25, 321-329.

Group of People Research Institute. (2002). A paper on an interesting topic that our group wrote. Retrieved from: https://www.website.com/report.pdf

Johnson, A. R. & Johnson, J. (1998). Predictors of success in language arts classes. Some Education Journal, 38, 722-726.

Smith, A. B. & Wesson, C. D. (1999). Teaching Johnny to read. In A. B. James & C. R. Robbins (Eds.), Handbook of reading education (pp.12-34). Place, AZ: Publisher.

· Note that the References title is not bolded or italicized or underlined.

· For periodicals, only use issue numbers (which should appear in parentheses after the volume number) if each issue starts with page 1. If the issue starts with some other number (for example, 350), then you don't need the issue number. Researchers can find the issue number simply by page number.

· If DOIs are assigned to print materials, APA 6 recommends providing those in your references.

· If you find a journal article online (even if it is a print article), you must provide either the doi number (preferred) OR the JOURNAL HOMEPAGE url (not the link to the search result for the journal article).

· For books and reports, APA 6 now indicates that you should "Give the location (city and state...)" (p. 186).

· For books and reports, APA 6 indicates that you should drop words such as "Publishers, Co., and Inc., which are not required to identify the publisher," although you should "retain the words Books and Press" (p. 187).

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Basic Statistics: Review the statistical tests lectures ie anova correlations
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