
Review the six topics listed below identify thenbspone

Review the six topics listed below. Identify the one topic you would like to research for the term project. For this module's assignment, name your topic and give an explanation of the reasons for choosing the topic. Provide a short description of the specific aspects of the topic that you will research and write about in your term paper.

You may identify and research a term project based on a topic that is not on this list, with the permission of the Instructor. If you wish to do so, please contact the Instructor with your proposed topic.

Note: The term project is 30% of your final grade and must be completed satisfactorily for you to earn credit for the course. This assignment is part of that 30%.

Select a Topic:

  1. Employee Benefits -- Retirement PlansImpact of aging workforce, funding Social Security and defined benefit plans, emergence of defined contribution retirement savings accounts (401K, 403b, IRA, etc.)
  2. Employee Benefits - HealthcareImpact of rising healthcare costs, changes in health care coverage offered by employers, national healthcare issues.
  3. Executive Compensation IssuesTrends, systems, policies, organizational impact, effect on economy
  4. Performance Appraisal MethodsSystems, methods, trends, effectiveness, pay for performance
  5. Alternative Compensation MethodsSystems, trends, non-monetary compensation, benefits package design
  6. Labor UnionsImpact of unions on compensation and benefits, issues and challenges, future trends and outlook.

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Business Management: Review the six topics listed below identify thenbspone
Reference No:- TGS01662262

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