Right now, Chick-fil-A only operates in the US. And Canada. But, it is prepared to expand to overseas market. Managers in Chick-fil-A have not decided which specific county is their firsttarget country. Since there were too many debates among the managers, the company decided tohire a consultant, and let the expert in international management to help them choose a propermarket.
Managers in Chick-fil-A expect you to provide following information:
1. Which country should they enter first?
2. Brief introduction about the country (Location, Language, Population, Economy, Lawsystem, Culture, etc.)
3. What is the situation of fast food industry in this country?
4. Who will be the main competitors in local market? Why are they competitive?
a. (If there is no competitor in this country, please explain why no competitorexists?)
5. Why they should choose this country instead of other countries?
6. How to enter this country's market?
7. How to compete in this country?
8. Which city they should start with?
9. Should they keep their menu as the same in the US? (Standardized vs. Customized)
10. What is the difference of conducting business in this country and in the US?
11. Who will be your management team? (Local manager vs. Expatriates)
12. More management recommendations are also welcome