
Review the sectors of the hospitality, travel and tourism

Assignment Task:

Section #01:

Subsequent to your review of the many sectors of the hospitality, travel and tourism industry, identify which sector (type of business) has the greatest appeal to you for personally pursuing a career direction.  If there is a specific company within the selected sector that is of most interest to you, share the name of that company.  Explain what research you have done in making this determination.  If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry, which career direction are you planning to follow and how do you see the content of this course applying in that field? This portion of the assignment addresses CO#02 - Summarize the dimensions and scope of the industry including travel trends and research.

Section #02:

State the characteristics and attributes associated with the sector (type of business) of the hospitality, travel or tourism industry that you've chosen, explaining what makes it more appealing to you than other sectors.  Share how service is defined in this sector, and how service delivery is undertaken differently than in other sectors.  If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry, explain how service is defined in the field you'll pursue, and how do you envision yourself providing that service? This portion of the assignment addresses CO #01 - Define "service" and explain how service businesses differ from manufacturing businesses. Need Online Assistance?

Section #03:

Summarize the major trends and issues (positive and negative) that are specifically impacting this sector (type of business) of the industry.  State the sources available for undertaking research on this sector's performance and developments.  If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry, summarize the major trends and issues (positive and negative) that are specifically impacting your area of focus. This portion of the assignment addresses CO #02 - Summarize the dimensions and scope of the industry including travel trends and research.

Section #04:

Identify three of the sources and resources for determining career opportunities in this sector (type of business) or in the industry you plan on focusing your career direction. This portion of the assignment addresses CO #03 - Identify sources and resources for determining career opportunities and Identify best practices for developing career positioning.

Section #05:

Identify three of the basic tasks of managers that apply within this sector (type of business).  If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry, identify three of the basic tasks of managers in your chosen field.  This portion of the assignment addresses CO #05 - Identify the basic tasks of managers.

Section #06:

When you progress to a management position with a company in this sector (type of business) - and even If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry - share which fundamental theory on management you would embrace, based on what you learned from theorists Fayol, Taylor and Drucker. This portion of the assignment addresses CO #04 - Contrast the fundamental theories of management.

Section #07:

When you progress to a management level within the sector (type of business) you've selected - and even If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry - define the leadership style you would embrace, and specify which leadership strategies you would engage with your team. This portion of the assignment addresses CO #06 - Define "leadership" and identify leadership strategies that can be undertaken.

Section #08:

If you were to engage a management company to handle operations for a hospitality, travel or tourism business, specify which elements of the management contract would be considered most essential. This portion of the assignment addresses CO #07 - Prescribe which elements of a management contract are most essential.

Section #09:

Differentiate the types of franchises (if any) that are available within this sector (type of business), explain how the franchising process works in this sector, and how it may be different from other sectors. If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry, identify the types of affiliations that might be engaged in order to achieve similar results to a franchise arrangement. | This portion of the assignment addresses CO #08 - Differentiate the types of franchises available and explain how franchising works.

Section #10:

Provide two examples of different viewpoints (deontological versus utilitarian) that can be taken concerning ethical decisions that might be encountered in this sector. If you do not intend to pursue a career opportunity in the hospitality, travel or tourism industry, provide the two examples for the field you will be focused in.  This portion of the assignment addresses CO #04 - Contrast the fundamental theories of management and CO #05 - Identify the basic tasks of managers

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Other Subject: Review the sectors of the hospitality, travel and tourism
Reference No:- TGS03445413

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