
Review the posts made by your peers in response to your

Discussion Response 150 words. Looking for a short response

Review the posts made by your peers. In response to your peers, Agree or disagree with your classmate's position.  Defend your position by using information from the week's readings or examples from current events. Ask at least one direct question while you comment on their response.

Original Discussion Question

Read Malorney v. B&L Motor Freight, Inc. in Section 21.2 of your textbook. Discuss what duty or duties a business has with regard to checking the background of potential employees before hiring. Do you agree that businesses should be liable for injuries resulting from negligent hiring? Why, or why not?

Student Response to respond to:

Lina Uriol

The amount of duties regarding background checks, will depend on the type of business that is doing the hiring. For instance, in most cases, background checks for the hiring in a federal institution, will be more stringent than when hiring for working in a retail store. However, depending on the situation, in both of these instances, the employer could be held liable of any wrongdoings committed by the employee.

Furthermore, the employer, could also be accused of "negligent hiring", if the background check obtained fails to indicate previous crimes committed by the employee; warning the employer of potential difficulties in the future.

Businesses benefit from offering their products and services to the public. Therefore, they have a duty to ensure that when doing business, this has to be done is a safe and responsible way; protecting consumers, employees and the environment. Consequently, if an employer fails to do a thorough background check in its employee, and he or she engages in negative activities while at the job; the company should be held responsible for those actions.

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Finance Basics: Review the posts made by your peers in response to your
Reference No:- TGS02517629

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