
Review the policy and procedure documents provided in

Assessment description

You are required to review the scenario and sample policy and procedure documents provided, identify the forms required by MacVille, and produce template documents for the forms identified.


1. Review the scenario provided in Appendix 1 of this Assessment Task.

2. Review the policy and procedure documents provided in Appendix 2 of this assessment task.

3. Identify three forms required by the organisation.

4. Create templates for each of the forms. You must:

• Use appropriate software to create the template.

• Incorporate a range of formulas, functions and macros where appropriate.

• Provide explanatory notes for each of the templates, detailing how information is to be managed or input and how the form is to be
stored or submitted when completed. Explanatory notes should also indicate any sections of the form that should be checked prior to use (e.g. check that department list reflects current organisational structure). Include reference to the use of at least one macro.

• Adhere to the MacVille guidelines for electronic documents and data entry in Appendix 3

• Ensure the templates are appropriately named and stored.

5. Submit the templates electronically (in a template format and printed out).

6. Have someone complete the forms (following your explanatory notes), and provide written feedback on the usability of each form. Provide users with enough information such as incident details, etc to be able to complete forms. To allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the templates you have designed, leave users free to make errors in using the template, especially if the templates or explanatory notes are unclear or deficient.

7. Provide a written reflection on monitoring the use of templates, evaluation of effectiveness of templates and continuous improvement that:

• Evaluates the quality of documents produced by users against MacVille guidelines.

• Describes the use (or misuse) of standard templates and macros by users.

• Describes possible amendments you could make to each form, in response to feedback provided and to ensure better quality outcomes for MacVille documentation. Review scenario and justify your possible amendments by referring to organisational plans and future requirements for the HR department with respect to output, document quality, budgetary constraints, etc.


You must provide:

• A printed blank copy of the three forms developed.

• A printed completed copy of the three forms developed.

• Statement of feedback for each form.

• A written reflection on monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement

• The forms as electronic documents, saved in template format.

• Explanatory notes for each of the 3 templates

Your assessor will be looking for:

• A sample (blank) form submitted, with a completed copy, feedback statement and amendments statement, submitted in paper copy for each of the three forms developed.

• An accompanying electronic form saved and submitted in a standard template format, for each of the three forms developed.

• A secondary worksheet in the template for each form, including clear instruction for:

o how to provide information for the document

o how and where to save the completed e-form

o how and where to submit the completed printed form

o particular sections of the form that should be checked prior to use.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

This Assessment Task can be adjusted for distance learners. Recommended adjustments are provided below, with two options available to learners.

• Option 1: Live video medium (online conference call).

• Option 2: Video-recorded presentation.

A follow up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor). Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

Appendix 1


The Human Resource department of MacVille is responsible for the management of personnel. Two key functions of the department are induction of new staff, and ongoing communication with existing staff, regarding company policies, procedures and expectations.
Currently, the department manages a small number of policy documents which are periodically created as required. They are often poorly formatted. The HR department has a shared network drive for storage of documents; however files are often not named so that they will be easily retrievable in the future.

As MacVille grows, so will the volume and quality requirements of documentation, so it is important that a system be implemented to streamline the documentation process.

As a new member of the team, you have been asked by the HR manager to devise and develop a replacement system to ensure that high-quality documents are created consistently according to standard guidelines and organisational requirements.

The policy and procedure documents managed by the Human Resources department at MacVille are designed to communicate important information to employees about rights and responsibilities, protocols, systems and expectations.

The procedures will often require information to be collected or provided, and at times will reference specific forms. However, these forms do not exist in any set format, but are usually created by employees as required. The details required are generally outlined in the policy.

Now that you have established the style guide for the policies and procedures, the HR manager has asked you to create templates for forms that can be used by all employees in the organisation. These can be electronic or paper-based, but you must keep in mind that the staff at MacVille have access only to standard MS

Office programs. Budget restraints do not permit MacVille to purchase other software at this time even if doing so would result in improved document quality, security, etc.

Appendix 2

Affirmative Action Policy


An affirmative action programme means a programme designed to ensure that:

• Appropriate action is taken to eliminate any employment discrimination against women; and

• Measures are taken to promote equal opportunity for women.

Reverse discrimination against men is not involved. Promotion and other employment decisions will continue to be based on merit. There are no quotas.


This policy complies with the Commonwealth Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act 1986

A series of objectives will be developed as part of an Affirmative Action programme.

Procedures for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the programme will be designed, and an assessment will take place of the achievement of these objectives.

Responsibility for the Affirmative Action Programme for Women

It is the responsibility of the business manager, along with all levels of supervisory staff to see that the Affirmative Action Programme for Women is properly developed and implemented.

Management will ensure that the personnel policies and practices that operate within the organisation are reviewed. The review will identify any practices which are discriminatory or which may be necessary to achieve equal employment opportunity for women.

Staff participation is strongly encouraged. Expenses Policy

Purpose of this policy is to ensure you are properly reimbursed for out of pocket expenses related to direct expenses for work-related activities, and that MacVille is able to claim on taxable expenses.

Meals and entertainment

As a general rule, meals and entertainment necessary for the conduct of business should not be lavish, extravagant or unreasonably costly.

The business meal/drink

A meal is classed as a business meal and is reimbursable when the purpose of the meal is a business discussion in line with business goals.
One employee may not entertain another except when a client is present or:

• when one employee is away from home

• when the discussion cannot, for reasons of privacy or other pertinent business purposes, be conducted on business premises.

In order to qualify for business use, the entertainment must:

• be fully documented and explained in the expense report

• be for a business purpose and not just general goodwill. Reimbursement of small expenses / temporary cash advance

In some situations, it may be necessary to use cash and claim the reimbursement of these expenses via a cheque requisition or your cash.

• always obtain a tax invoice or we may not be able to reimburse you

• parking expenses incurred while working will be reimbursed against receipts

• until previous cash advances have been accounted for, further cash advances are not allowed. You must reconcile all cash advances and

attach appropriate receipts with an expense statement

• you will be required to sign for the advance before it is issued

• An Expense Reimbursement Form must be completed and submitted with receipts to claim reimbursement. The form must detail:

o employee name

o date of purchase

o department

o expense type

o description

o client ID number

o purchase amount. Occupational Health and Safety Policy

MacVille cares about the safety of our people and recognises that injuries result in needless suffering to individuals and their families.
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors and visitors.

All MacVille employees, whatever their role, carry the primary responsibility to ensure that the work they undertake or supervise is carried out safely and without injury. Our first priority must always be the well-being of our employees. No task is so important that a person's safety is put at risk. We believe that all accidents are preventable and are therefore, committed to the goal of 'No Injuries'.

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Other Subject: Review the policy and procedure documents provided in
Reference No:- TGS01147304

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