
Review the organisational charts provided in appendix a


Type of Assessment

This summative assessment will enable your Assessor to make a judgement of competency based on the submission of your completed assignments against the requirements of this unit of competency.

 Assessor Instructions

The Assessment Benchmark developed for each unit of competency is the evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance (i.e. the assessment decision-making rules).  Assessors must use these benchmarks to make judgement on whether competency has been achieved and to determine if the participant has performed to the standard expected to meet unit requirement and learning outcomes.  Competency results for each unit are recorded in the Record of Assessment Form.

 Reasonable Adjustment

Careers Australia will allow flexibility in relation to the way in which each unit is delivered and assessed based on the student's requirement.  The following are the reasonable adjustments for this unit: 

Reasonable Adjustment for this unit

College Based

On Line Delivery

assistance of a Learning Support Teacher for LLN issues



modifications to physical environment, eg wheelchair access



changes to course design, eg instead of written assessment task - change to verbal questioning & assessor to write the answers


Not Applicable

 Assessment Coding

Assessment of this program of study is based on competency based principles.

S              =  Satisfactory

NS           =  Not Satisfactory

Students who fail to perform satisfactorily for the assessment in the prescribed date may be assessed as 'not satisfactory'.  You are required to be assessed as 'Satisfactory' on completion of Assessments assigned by your assessor for this unit of competency.


Any re-assessment is conducted as soon as practicable after you have been informed of the requirement to be re-assessed and have been given the opportunity to be re-trained and assimilate the training.  You are re-assessed in only the areas assessed NS.  It is at the assessor/s discretion to re-assess the entire assessment should it be demonstrated an overall understanding of this unit has not been achieved.Students that are assessed "satisfactory" after re-assessment of areas deemed NS will achieve competency for this assignment.

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Student  Signature:­                   __________________________

Date:                                                                       ______



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Assessor Comment/Feedback:    ­                                                                                                                      _________________




Assessor Name:   ____________________________   Assessor Signature:  _______________________________


Date: _________________      Result:Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory



Office use only:

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Skills Centre:









Students must complete all tasks as outlined in the following pages.

Hints:   - The following hints will assist when preparing reports for submission

Report format:

Executive summary

An executive summary is a very useful tool in communicating your information to busy people. It is essentially a short summary (often no more than a page) of the report objectives, findings, and conclusions.



Any report over three pages in length should have a list of contents. A list of contents not only helps people find their way around the report but it also gives an indication of what is in the report and the structure.



The introduction should set the scene for the report by concisely describing the reason for the report and the background or history relevant to the report.



The body should address the main information including:

  • objectives of the review;
  • how the review was conducted, who was consulted, etc; and
  • results of the review and key issues identified.



Your conclusions should be clearly justified with reference to the results of the review. Your recommendations should be made twice, briefly in the opening summary or Executive Summary and then in more detail in the recommendations section.


Useful links to assist with assigned tasks.


This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.

Assessment due date:     This will be aligned to Session Plan


Please complete the following tasks using either your organisation or the scenario provided below. Note: If you use your own organisation, you will need to identify an opportunity for expansion and provide details.


You are to assume to role of Jon Sales, Head of Marketing of CA City Department Store. You have been tasked with identifying opportunities for business expansion. You have heard from a few customers that a 'specialty organic foods' or delicatessen department would be appreciated. Before putting together a proposal for expansion, you will need to conduct market research.

Whilst you have some marketing knowledge, you will need advice and support from personnel within the business. Richard Burton, the General Manager for Marketing, has informed you that he is more than happy to help and can provide you with his assistant whenever you need. Once you have completed your plan, you will need final approval from Edward Shands and Richard Burton.

Additional documents and resources have been provided for you throughout this assignment. To ensure you complete the tasks correctly, you will need to make sure that you review any documents provided prior to completing tasks.

Throughout this assignment, document templates have been embedded to help structure your responses and save you time developing documents. You may choose to save your work within the embedded document, or save externally and upload separately. If you choose to save in the embedded files and upload only the assignment, you will need to check you have saved your work correctly with appropriate names. It is good practice to save a backup copy.

Question One

In order to begin market research, you need to get stakeholders on board. It is important for personnel in the business to understand why market research matters. 

1a  Review the organisational charts provided in Appendix A. Identify a minimum of three personnelyou will need to consult with.

                1. CEO Edward Shands

2. COO Marissa Shands

3. GM Marketing Richard Burton

1b  Briefly explain how will you convince your selected personnel that market research is important. At a minimum, your explanation should includewhat is involved with marketing research and how market research can help.

 Market research helps gaining information which has customer insights means an understanding of what customer wants and what are current market trends, it involved collection of information related to your Competitors, Research and Development, Customers, Detailed view of people work for you because at the end of the day they are customers too, your suppliers and resellers who are facing real market challenges and can better guide you in gaining market research.  

Explain why market research is important? Page 5,6& 7 of ebook can help with this.

1c  Explain how you plan to communicate with them and why you have chosen that communication method.


Method of communication?

(Can be more than one)

Why is this method the best?



CEO is rather a  busy person to contact, its better to email him and put meeting in his schedule via his assistant and send him the Meeting Agenda in Advance.

2.COO Marissa Shands

Email, In person

Chief Operating Officer is someone whose meeting can be scheduled and can be discussed in person after email appointment and its better to discuss details with Marissa before approaching CEO

3.GM Marketing Richard Burton

Email, In person

General Manager Marketing is someone whose meeting can be scheduled and can be discussed in person after email appointment and its better to discuss details with Richard before CEO

Question Two

To support your case and influence your identified personnel, it is important that market research needs are identified and documented clearly.

You have had a meeting with the marketing team to discuss your ideas for expansion. The information in the table below has been provided to you by a marketing assistant.Review the proposed information,and using the table below, document changesyou may make. Make notes to explain your proposed changes.

Changes required - All need changing. None of them are specific enough.

Notes - list what information you need to know.

Remember to look in the scope to help with this.

Information Provided

Changes required



To discover the popularity of specialty foods


Needs changing. This objective is not specific

 I would still need to know:

  • What do we really want to know from our customers?
  • What specialty foods are popular?
  • Would they buy them?
  • How much would they buy?
  • What would they pay?
  • Demographic information?


Survey customers asking if they'd buy specialty foods


All need changing. None of them are specific enough.


  • Popularity?
  • Would they buy them?
  • How much would they buy?
  • What would they pay?
  • Demographic information?


CEO, Customer Service Personnel, Customers


All need changing. None of them are specific enough.

  • Would they buy them?
  • How much would they buy?
  • What would they pay


  • Surveys for customers
  • Weekly email to internal stakeholders


All need changing. None of them are specific enough.

  • What do we really want to know from our customers?
  • What would they pay?
  • What would they pay?
  • Demographic information?


Only CEO


All need changing. None of them are specific enough.

  • What do we really want to know from our customers?
  • What specialty foods are popular?
  • Would they buy them?
  • How much would they buy?
  • What would they pay?
  • Demographic information?

Question Three

To determine research needs, it is important to analyse enterprise planning and performance documentation.Using the table below, explain why each of the documents listed are importantwhen determining research needs.You may use examples within your explanation.

Hint: you can access the CA City Retail Group Operational Plan and identify existing objectives for this project.

You can use Control F in the ebook or google it. Just use your own words.



Organisational plans

Planning is mandatory to achieve organizational goals, it starts from formal review and identification of organisational needs

Correspondence (emails. letters of support, letters of complaint, other information shared with the organisation that may inform your choices)


Financial reports



Information about sales (both profitability and the sales force)



Internal reports (do any of your other stores currently have the products you are looking to introduce)


 Question Four

To adequately determine your market research needs, you will need to conduct preliminary research on the marketing mix, your competitors and your consumers. Using the table below, suggest three examples of what you would need to measure for each research area.

Research Area

Suggested measures

Research on competition





Research on consumers





Research on place (location)





Research on pricing





Research on products and services






Research on promotion (promoting the product/service)







Question Five

Once preliminary research has been conducted, you will have a better understanding of how your research will benefit the organisation and how your performance (past, present and organisational objectives for the future) will impact on the research.

5a           Based on what you think the market research needs are, use the table below to draft two research objectives. Remember to ensure that your objectives align with organisational requirements.Section 2 ebook

Draft Objectives







5b  Part of ensuring that you are on the right track is to test various hypotheses. With the help of Richard, you have developed the hypothesis 'The CA City Department Store customers need a delicatessen'. Using the table below, outline the seven (7) steps you would take to test this hypothesis. Control F ebook will cover this

Steps to test a hypothesis















5c  Using the table below, explain how each of the key provisions of legislation listed could impact your objectives and business operations. An example has been provided for you below. Ebook or google - try to relate it to market research



Anti-discrimination legislation and principles of equal opportunity, equity and diversity

It is unlawful to discriminate against any person. It will be important to ensure that objectives do not beach discrimination laws otherwise this will impact business operations.


Ethical principles



Privacy laws


Australian Consumer Law



 Question Six

You have received an e-mail from Edward Shands (see Appendix B). As per Edward's request, you will need to develop a market research plan.To help structure your response, a template has been provided for you below. If you decide to use your own template, your market research plan must include the following:The Project Plan template must be completed. The Project scope will help with this along with the ebook.

  • Market research plan approval signatures
  • Business need
  • Marketing plan overview
  • Critical assumptions
  • Deliverables
  • Objectives
  • Market research plans
  • Work breakdown structure
  • Timelines
  • Budget
  • Control plan
  • Communications plan

Question Seven

7a   Now that you have completed your market research plan, you will need to send the draft back to Edward to review. Using the template below, write an e-mail to Edward asking for feedback on your market research plan.I am looking for formal wording and the word feedback in this email.

7b  Edward has reviewed your marketing research plan and has asked you a couple of questions regarding the communication strategy. He feels that the current communication strategy in your market research plan doesn't clearly explain what communications are required. He has suggested that you complete a communication matrix to helpensure relevant and useful information is gathered frequently.

Using the matrix template provided below, develop a communication matrix which includes a minimum ofthree stakeholders. One has been completed for you as an example.

Communication Matrix








What type of communication and reporting will this stakeholder received?

 How often?

In what format? Report sent by email? Or presentation?

Who sends?

Accounts personnel

Project status updates



Jon Sales


You may list more than one here














7c  After your initial planning and communication, Edward has indicated that he may need to see the results of your research by the next board meeting in 10 days. If this were to happen how would this affect your market research plan? Minimum 50 words.Read through ebook but this question is asking what are the consequences of moving the time line forward? How will it affect your data?

Question 8

Edward has approved your market research plan and does not need the results in the next ten days- what a relief! With the plan now approved, you now need to begin defining your data gathering approaches. Based on your objectives, you need to select appropriate data types, sources and methods. Make your selections and use the table below and document the following:

  • Data type
  • Description of data
  • What information you require
  • Disadvantages of the method you have chosen

You will need to include a minimum of four data types. One has been done for you as an example.

Follow the example provided. Ebook section 3  will help also

Data type

Describe the data. Internal/External



What information do you need from this data to support the research objectives?

What disadvantages could this method present for you?

Industry specific data

  • External
  • Secondary
  • Quantitative

Trend information (growth or decline) and consumer information. 

May not capture all the information we need.

















 Question 9

9a  In most cases, a combination of data types will best meet research objectives. Having selected variousdata types in question eight, which combination of data types do you think will best inform the market research objectives? Justify your answer.3.2 ebook

9b  As a researcher, you need to consider how you might go about collecting/gathering the data types you have identified in question eight. Using the table below, list a minimum of fourdata collection methods and explain why they would be suitable for your market research plan.One has been done for you as an example.

                Section 3 of ebook

Data Gathering//collection method



Search the internet e.g Australian Bureau of Statistics,  Google, Industry web sites

A lot of useful information can be found online and can be a low cost option. A preliminary internet search can be a good starting point for determining the customers need/want for delicatessen items. For example,               a drink marketer googling 'enhanced water products' would come up with 13.5 million results













Question 10

10a  When developing customer surveys, there are various components you need to consider to ensure the data you gather is quantifiable. Use the table below to explain:

  • How questions should be developed.
  • The 'should nots' of question development.
  • Question types
  • Questions you will include in the survey
  • The various methods of designing samples.
  • How you would choose a sample to deliver the survey.There is heaps of info in the ebook for this

Quantify required data



How should your questions be developed?


What should your questions not have?


Provide a minimum of three (3) question types


Document a minimum of two (2) questions you will include in the survey


Explain the various methods of designing samples, how would you choose a sample to deliver the survey?


10b   You have been provided with results from a recent customer survey (see Appendix C). Use at least one method to quantify this data and explain the purpose of another three statistical analysis methods.

Hint: You can choose from a variety of statistical analysis measures eg: you could express the collected response figures as percentages.

Use one method to quantify your data.

Explain the purpose of 3 more:




 Question 11

Explain how the types of data and data processing methods you have chosen will satisfy the research objectives you have set.Minimum 25 words.

Hint: please give a general reasoning, but also make sure to include how it might align with organisational policies/procedures or identify the cost and benefit choices.

I expect a good paragraph on this one. Section 3 ebook

 Question 12

Before you can implement the plan, you will need to conduct one last review before sending it to Edward and Richard for final approval. To do this, answer the following questions.

12a   On a scale of 1-10, how easy will it be to implement your market research plan? (1 being easy, 10 being hard)Be sure to explain your answer.Here tell me why it would be easy or hard to implement. Eg Research used

                Hint: consider your estimated resources and timelines

12b  Are you comfortable with the quality and credibility of the data methodology you proposed?Why?

12c  In hindsight, what other means could you have used to obtain similar results? (Hint: choose a data gathering method that hasn't been mentioned in question nine)

12d  Based on all the information obtained should the market research plan be recommended? Explain your answer.Yes or No and why?

Question 13      

Now that you have completed your final review, it is now time to get the market research plan approved and ready for implementation. Using the e-mail template below, write an e-mail to relevant personnel requesting their approval of your plan.

Appendix A: Organisational Charts

Appendix B: E-mail from Edward




Jon Sales


Edward Shands


Market research plan



Dear Jon,

As discussed, please find the market research brief attached. I know you have developed your own objectives, but you will need to develop your plan according to the information provided in the market research brief. I have had Richard Burton review the brief as well and he agrees that you should use this to develop your market research plan.

When developing your budget, try your best to allocate dollar figures logically. Remember, do not go over budget.

If you have any questions, please give me a call.

Looking forward to seeing your draft.

Kind Regards,

Edward Shands


Appendix C: Survey Results

Summary results from customer survey for overall CA City Department Store customer satisfaction.


Product range

Customer service


Do we need to do more

Special events


Very good














Not good







No answer








I asked for different brand of shoes but the store wasn't flexible.


I actually wanted to return a product due to faulty features but it wasn't possible even though I returned it in the packaging!


I love the range but would love to be able to sit down for a coffee. We have to leave the store do that.

Girls in footwear are great.

Staff always go above and beyond the call of duty


I have had two third party calls since buying from the store not sure where they got my details!


Occasionally I have to wait, last week I walked out of the store the girl was so slow.


Staff were switched on and very helpful at letting us know what new events were coming up next.

 Comparable in some departments. Others are more expensive than your competition. 

I know it's not food a shop but CA City could use a deli. Please!



The staff could do with a lesson on timings at some of the events I have been too. Is the catering from outside?


Everything was kept on time, well done to the staff.

Not enough towels and toilet paper.


Brilliant just add coffee please.


Brilliant event.


I have had several third party calls since shopping. Not happy!








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Marketing Research: Review the organisational charts provided in appendix a
Reference No:- TGS02252554

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