
Review the operations best practices that need improvement


Although some of you are now a bit scared of eating out (think of it as my way of helping you save money), to participate in this discussion board, you'll at least need to enter a food service operation and take a look around. Unless you are using your workplace, you may not have access to the "Employee Only" areas, but there is plenty to see from a guest's perspective too. As a potential leader in the industry, you should do mini audits of your location on a regular basis (better for you to find problems and correct them than for the health inspector to point them out). Look at things like the trash cans, bathrooms, flooring, cleanliness, etc. Using the terms, ideas and requirements surrounding sanitation and equipment throughout the textbook, review the operation's best practices or areas that need improvement.

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Operation Management: Review the operations best practices that need improvement
Reference No:- TGS03245977

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