
Review the neimeyer article


Culture: Death, Dying, Mourning

Using your own cultural background of African decent, describe how your family of origin views the process of death. How does your family grieve or mourn for an older relative who has died? If you have never experienced this, how do you think they would deal with the death of an older relative? What similarities and differences are you able to identify between how your family copes with death and how other cultures cope?


1. How does your family grieve or mourn for an older relative who has died? If you have never experienced this, how do you think they would deal with the death of an older relative?

2. What similarities and differences are you able to identify between how your family copes with death and how other cultures cope? Take the time to also identify general themes that occur in several cultures' approaches to dealing with death and dying.

3. Review the Neimeyer article. How does cultural tradition support the elderly who are in the process of dying? What elements of grief systems contribute to a supportive relationship for the elderly?

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Other Subject: Review the neimeyer article
Reference No:- TGS01890178

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