
Review the literature role of personality in the workplace


This is an individual essay. Provide a critique of the statement below.

"Personality is a key factor in determining how well an employee will perform their job."

Guidelines for the essay:

  • You will need to do a review of the literature on the role of Personality in the workplace, and take a stand on whether you agree or disagree with the statement.
  • You should use the academic third person writing style as outlined in the Q Manual.
  • It is important that you use peer reviewed academic journal articles for the basis of your academic discussion. You should be aiming to draw on at least 10 refereed journal articles. You need to ensure that you make it clear how the content and contribution of these articles is related to the essay question.
  • No more than 2 management / OB textbooks to be used.
  • Warning! Answers that simply reflect opinion and do not draw on the accumulated body of scientific knowledge on organisational behaviour will be penalised.

Word limit:

The word limit for the individual assignment is 2500 words.

Presentation requirements:

1. You should present your work in an academic style, including 1.5 spaces between lines,justified pagination, page numbers, correct citation and referencing on the back page(s).

2. Please submit your assignment via Turnitin to obtain a report on the originality of your work. If you notice major issues where you have not referenced or quoted correctly,please correct this prior to submission. It is suggested that you will need to submit through Turnitin at least two days prior to the formal submission date.

3. Do note that all resubmissions to Turnitin may take 24 hours to process; as such please ensure that you plan ahead of time. The Turnitin link is on Moodle under the Assessment Summary section.

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Business Management: Review the literature role of personality in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01812412

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