
Review the literature for sources that can help illuminate

Ethical Analysis for Leaders

For this assignment, you will present an ethical analysis of a chosen issue explored ethics, diversity, and inclusion. In this assignment you will apply and expand on this work, delving deeper into the theories and concepts while applying them to your practice. Your analysis should demonstrate your ability to understand the ethical and leadership complexities that exist in a health care or public health setting.

In your paper, describe a situation you might face as a leader and analyze its ethical implications. While you are free to choose the situation you will analyze, the following are examples of situations appropriate for this assignment:

ER staff is experiencing moral distress related to administrative decisions involving staffing levels and experience.

Submit a 3-5-page paper using current APA format in which you:

Describe the situation you will address.

Analyze the ethical challenges presented by this situation.

Analyze implications for patient outcomes and safety.

Analyze the stakeholders who have an interest in this issue and discuss each stakeholder's frame of reference. Be aware of the politics or sociodynamics of diverse groups with their own sets of needs and agendas.

Review the literature for sources that can help illuminate this issue for you, and incorporate these insights into your analysis.

Assignment Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.

Length of paper: 3-5 pages.

Resources: At least five sources, published within the last 5 years.

APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format.

Font and font size: Times Roman, 12 point.

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Operation Management: Review the literature for sources that can help illuminate
Reference No:- TGS02663214

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