
Review the literature for physical description

The Doctoral Candidate PhD research is entitled "A critical Investigation of Risk Management Practices Influence on the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Performance"

The focus of this dissertation is thus on the risk management practices in the Pharmaceutical supply chain. The following questions will help the candidate demonstrate his understanding of the state of the art in the field of pharmaceutical supply chain and risk management practices. Though his readings, the candidate will be exposed to current issues in the field, as well as description of areas where additional research is required. This will hopefully help the candidate to successfully position and defend his proposed in the research in the next phase of his work. Where appropriate, provide a separate list of references for each question.

1. Performs a literature review to help define what "supply chain management" Highlight the various definitions of "supply chain management" and the pharmaceutical supply chain management" proposed by the authors? Are there any similarities and differences within and between each group and author when defining "supply chain management" and "pharmaceutical supply chain management? If so, what are they? Summarize your findings in the form of short tables(s).

2. Review the literature for physical description pharmaceutical supply chain develops a diagram showing what a typical pharmaceutical supply chin looks like, and describe the main roles and interctors in it. Is the list of the main roles and interactors complete? Please justify? Summarize your findings in the form of short table (4).

3. Performs a literature review to help define what "risk management" in the context of a pharmaceutical supply chain is? Highlight the various definitions of "risk management" in the pharmaceutical supply chain proposed by the authors? Are there similarities and differences between each author when defining "risk management" in the context of a pharmaceutical supply chain" and if so what are they? Summarize your findings in the form of short table(s).

4. From your review of the potential literature, list the current main pharmaceutical supply chain risks? Is your list complete Please justify? Summarize your findings in the form of short table(s).

5. Please associate the main pharmaceutical supply chain risks to each of the pharmaceutical supply chain role and interactor previously identified in (2), and justify? Summarize your findings in the form of short table(s)

6. Performs a literature review to define what "performance" in the context of the supply chain means? Highlight the various definitions of "performance of supply chain' as well as "performance of the pharmaceutical supply chain" proposed by the authors? What are the similarities and differences within and between each group and author when defining "performance for supply chain" as well as "performance of pharmaceutical supply chain? Summarize your work in the form of short table(s).

7. From your review of the pertinent literature, provide the list of the current pharmaceutical supply chain performance measures. Is your list complete? Please justify? Summarize your findings in the form of short table(s).

8. Please associate each of the performance measures to at least one of the pharmaceutical risks previously identified in (4), and justify? Summarize your findings on the form of short table(s)

9. Performs a literature review to define what are the "practices in risk management for supply chain"? Are there differences or similarities between "practices of supply chain management in supply chain", and practices for risk management in pharmaceutical supply chain? If so, what are they? Is the list of "practices" complete? Please justify? Summarize your findings in the form of a short table.

10. From your review of the pertinent literature, what is the suitable mitigation strategies used to manage pharmaceutical supply chain risks identified in (4)? Is the list complete? Please justify? Summarize your findings in the form of short table(s).

11. Please associate each of the mitigation strategies to at least one of the pharmaceutical risks previously identified in (4), and justify? Summarize your findings in the form of short tables(s).

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Mechanical Engineering: Review the literature for physical description
Reference No:- TGS02136443

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