
Review the list of available certificates on the home page


Regulatory Challenges" Please respond to the following:

• Analyze the import challenges listed in Chapter 15. Select one challenge and offer suggestions for improving the list of recommended actions. For example, your suggestion for improvement might add a recommended action or delete one of the existing recommended actions. In either case, defend your position.

• Analyze the export challenges listed in Chapter 15. Select one challenge and offer suggestions for improving the list of recommended actions. For example, your suggestion for improvement might add a recommended action or delete one of the existing recommended actions. In either case, defend your position.


"Regulatory Challenges" Please respond to the following:

• Analyze the import challenges listed in Chapter 15. Select one challenge and offer suggestions for improving the list of recommended actions. For example, your suggestion for improvement might add a recommended action or delete one of the existing recommended actions. In either case, defend your position.

Establishing an effective strategy for the release of goods seized for trademark or copyright infringement.
I agree with the recommended solutions as discussed in the text:
Understand the differences and determine if the goods can be classified as other than counterfeit
Confirm if the trademark or copyright is recorded with CBP
Attempt to obtain authorization from the trademark owner
Establish a paper trail to the authorized manufacturer

Distinguish between products

The text states to establish a paper trail as an alternative to trademark authorization but I feel that a paper trail from the manufacturer is a must have step. Even if the trademark owner gives authorization it would be in the best interest of the importer to have back up documentation from the manufacturer as a safeguard.

• Analyze the export challenges listed in Chapter 15. Select one challenge and offer suggestions for improving the list of recommended actions. For example, your suggestion for improvement might add a recommended action or delete one of the existing recommended actions. In either case, defend your position.

File accurate EEIs to avoid census penalties.

I also agree with the suggested actions as listed in the text:

As a forwarder use FPPIs when required as oppose to USPPIs

Always have a SLI

Include the ITN on export documentation

I would also add ensure timely filing of EEI's by designating a small department or single person to ensure information is accurate and is submitted as required.


"IPSCMI Certificate Programs" Please respond to the following:

• From the e-Activity, review the list of available certificates on the home page of the International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute. Select one of the certificates and state why you would pursue this certificate to improve your understanding of the export / import profession.

• Form the same review; recommend another certificate program that should be added (one that does not currently exist). Explain your rationale.

As you explore the certificates, also consider which is likely to be more effective: training provided by the U.S. government or programs offered by private organizations, colleges, and universities?

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Microeconomics: Review the list of available certificates on the home page
Reference No:- TGS01847695

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