Line-item budget As the chief of University City Fire Rescue, your agency has expanded to where span of control is no longer met for you as the fire chief. Your intention is to present a new deputy chief position as part of the budget preparation process. For this position, you will need to review the job description for the deputy chief position from Unit IV that identifies the skills and training needed. The information provided in the University City Fire Rescue packet is geared to help you construct the budget items for this new position.
Your budget format and layout should be in a line-item concept. Click here for an example of a line-item budget that has been created to help as a guide to constructing your own for the University City Fire Rescue Department. In addition to your line-item budget, you will need to identify how budgets affect the local government and taxpayers, along with how they reflect the goals of the community (This explanation is usually considered a budget justification by city managers and administrators.)
Your budget and explanation (justification) of the budget to the community should each be at least one page in length, for a total of at least two pages for this assignment.
To submit the assignment: You may use Microsoft Word and/or Excel to create the budget. If you choose to use Excel for budget and Word for the explanation, you must upload both files at the same time in Blackboard.
Attachment:- General Fire.rar