
Review the isllc standards and their functions especially


Section I: DISCUSSION - Word Count 300

Sunday morning the phone is ringing before your alarm clock goes off. It is your high school senior English teacher calling. You know something is terribly wrong by the tone of her voice. She is crying and saying "It is terrible." You wait for her to take a breath and tell you what is going on. Your guidance counselor and her daughter were killed by a drunk driver. Your counselor is loved by all your students and her daughter is valedictorian of her senior class as well as the captain of the soccer team. You are wide awake now and you have to prepare for this situation. Knowing the counselor would have been your first call now "What are you going to do?" Outline or design a plan for how you will handle this situation. Notify your faculty and staff of all steps involved in this process. Communication is key.

Section II: COMPLETE - Word Count 300 per question.

Use the attached textbook as the major source and other sources as needed-chapter 14

Question 1: Review Case Studies 3, 6, and 9 from Appendix A of our book. Analyze the problems presented and apply the concepts of computer utilization developed in chapter 14. How might these problems have been prevented if a good computer system had been in place? What approach would you use in addressing the problems identified in these case? Set forth a strategy to overcome the difficulties faced by the school in each of these cases.

Question 2: Issues of School security permeate Case Studies 10 and 21 found in Appendix A. What actions do you propose to resolve both issues in (a) the short term and (b) the long term?

Question 3: What does your state provide in the manner of school based accounting help? Is there a manual or handbook available? If so, how could you get a copy? State of Tennessee

Question 4: Review the ISLLC standards and their functions, especially the functions listed in Standard 8. Which of the standards items relate to the material presented in this chapter? Identify one function that links directly to a concept expressed in Chapters 13-14.

Question 5: What are the greatest impediments to full computerization of schools? Apply the concepts of strategic planning set forth in chapter 4 and the ideas on human resources development outlined in chapter 9 to the impediments you have identified. Outline your plan of action. Continue to study the case studies as these will be very helpful to your work as a school administrator.

Text Book: The Principal: Creative Leadership for Excellence in Schoolls by Gerald C. Ubben, Larry W. Hughes and Cynthia J. Norris, Eighth Edition.

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Dissertation: Review the isllc standards and their functions especially
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