
Review the influence of patients socioeconomic status

Review the influence of patients' socioeconomic status on clinical management decisions: A qualitative study.

Having a safe and appropriate organizational culture involves developing employees understanding of how the patient population characteristics can influence clinical decision-making.

As a hospital administrator, you hear some complaints and want to investigate whether the problem of stereotyping exists at your facility.

Using Library or the Internet, research various types of stereotyping such as racial, ethnic, religious, and gender. Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:

• How will you conduct the investigation? What will you do if the problem does exist at your facility?

Recently staff has been complaining about abusive physician behavior. A process introduced to deal with abusive physician behavior alienates some doctors. As a direct result of the staff complaints, one of every three doctors threatens to leave the hospital.

You must Recommend a system for addressing the grievances along with a long term solution focused on the interpersonal conflict.

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Other Subject: Review the influence of patients socioeconomic status
Reference No:- TGS01780981

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