
Review-the impact of intrinsic motivation on satisfaction

Review the article:The impact of intrinsic motivation on satisfaction with extrinsic rewards in a nursing environment by Dinesh S. Dave, Michael J. Dotson

Then, Response to the following questions:

• What is the main hypothesis or the research questions addressed?

• How do the research methods address the hypothesis or the research questions?

• Discuss how the research method used in the article addresses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

• Discuss shortcomings in the research methods used or in the presentation of the results. Are there other questions that you would like to see answered but which were not addressed in this article?

• Cite all sources in APA format.

All content for this assignment should be written in your own words. Direct quotes are strongly discouraged unless you use them specifically to introduce an idea that you plan to explain in more detail in your own words.





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Other Subject: Review-the impact of intrinsic motivation on satisfaction
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