
Review the harrisburg university honor policy


1) In order to ensure that you understand HU's plagiarism policy, Review the Harrisburg University Honor Policy, particularly the section on Plagiarism. Submit a one page essay (300 to 400 words) about "What is Plagiarism?". Use APA style. Attach the essay to a reply to this email. Need essay


All students are required to abide by the Student Honor Code of Conduct described in the Student Handbook, which includes academic integrity and responsibility for learning. Students are responsible for understanding the requirements for each course, for complying with the rules, and for reading, understanding, and complying with the Student Honor Code of Conduct. The Student Handbook is located on university under the home tab.

There is zero tolerance for plagiarism at Harrisburg University. The Student Honor Code of Conduct prohibits academic dishonesty and deception, including plagiarism and cheating. All students will be held accountable for plagiarism. Faculty may use Turnitin or other originality checking software as a tool to detect plagiarism in student work.

o A faculty member will penalize a student grade the first time that plagiarism has been detected. Incidences of plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty will result in, at a minimum, a grade of zero for the related assignment. Any student wishing to challenge the faculty decision may follow the Disciplinary Process for Student Incidents of Misconduct described in the Student Handbook available on website

o Subsequent incidents of suspected plagiarism, any second case of plagiarism against a student, or any incident of suspected plagiarism for which the student has challenged the faculty decision will be reported by faculty and handled according to the Disciplinary Process for Student Incidents of Misconduct described in the Student Handbook. Incidences of plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty will result in, at a minimum, a grade of zero for the related assignment and/or for the entire course. Any student found guilty of misconduct as a result of any Disciplinary Process will have a disciplinary record at the university.

Plagiarism is generally "submitting the work of another as one's own" (Student Handbook). Plagiarism often occurs when the student fails to credit the source of borrowed ideas or words appropriately. Plagiarism may be intentional or inadvertent. Some examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

o Copying all or part of a work without crediting the source, with or without the original creator's knowledge and/or permission (Works may include a phrase, written or musical, a graphic element, a proof, specific language, or an idea derived from such work.);

o Presenting the spoken or written ideas of another, published or unpublished, as one's own and/or as original by failing to appropriately credit the source;

o Incorrectly quoting including, but not limited to, failure to include quotation marks around borrowed language;

o Incorrectly paraphrasing including, but not limited to, relying too heavily on the original language, words, and structure;

o Incorrect attribution including, but not limited to, omitting necessary information from a citation, failure to include in-text references where necessary, and/or false citation.

o Plagiarism is behavior that undermines the fundamental and essential values inherent in the pursuit of knowledge within academic programs and research. Learning requires the accurate, honest, thoughtful evaluation of information in order to advance our collective achievements in science & technology, and to solve the problems we face as a society. A dedicated student or academic builds upon the work of others in an open and transparent manner and documents the sources or contributions to the creation of knowledge.

All students are required to quote or paraphrase borrowed material correctly and to cite the source of such borrowed material completely following current American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for style, format, and content, or another style of citation approved by the course instructor.

2) Repot assignment

Write a report that provides facts about one of the following topic:

• Developing an ethics policy statement for ABC company.

• Developing an orientation program for new managers sent for assignment to ABC country.

• The use of mass transit at ABC company.

• Language differences between the United States and Canada.

• Nonverbal communication in ABC country.

• Telecommuting at ABC company.

• The effectiveness of online versus on-campus courses at ABC university.

• The effectiveness of study-abroad programs at ABC university.

• The use of flextime at ABC company or university.

• Trends in the content and design of ABC company's annual reports.

• Using speech-recognition software at ABC company.

Include the following:

1. Background

2. Current status

3. Reviews of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with current status, based on surveys and interviews. This can be real research that you perform, or you can create hypothetical, imaginary information.

4. Conclusions and recommendations.

The length should be in the range of about 1000 words +/- 10%. Longer is not necessarily better, but the report should not be fewer than 900 words. Make sure that your report contains all of the following headings, shown below in Components of a business report.

Components of a business report

A business report contains a collection of objective data that the reader should consider. The report can contain suggestions and recommendations, but its primary purpose should be to present facts and information. Please note this important distinction. A report is not a proposal. A proposal is a sales pitch with the single objective of promoting an idea. A business proposal spends most of its time promoting suggestions and recommendations. A business report spends most of its time presenting objective facts. Proposals propose. Reports report.

Please include all of the following headings and sections in your report:

Title Page

Business reports generally follow a formal structure, unless they are very short email reports. Most moderate to long reports begin with a title page. The title page shows the full title of the report, the name of the author and the names of audience members or groups.

Abstract or Executive Summary

The report should also include an "abstract" or "executive summary." This brief summary presents the purpose, methods, scope, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the report. A high-level business executive might choose not to read the entire report, but instead to read only the executive summary. Write the summary with enough detail to provide a busy executive with the most important elements of the report.

Table of Contents

The table of contents page usually comes immediately after the title page and before the executive summary. It should show each section of the report by name and page number.

List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations or Symbols (optional)

A good rule of thumb is that if your report includes more than five figures, illustrations or tables, you should list them by page number, immediately after the table of contents page. If the report contains abbreviations or symbols that might not be familiar to all readers, include those abbreviations and symbols, plus their definitions and explanations in this section. Not all reports need to contain this section.


Start the body of the report with an introductory paragraph, with the heading "Introduction." The introduction should present the purpose and scope of the report, and present background information that might be necessary for readers to know so that they can understand the rest of the report.


The next heading should read "Body," and this begins the heart of the report. You can include subheadings to introduce the various information categories that make up the body. Consider including tables of data or financial information, charts, graphs and illustrations.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The body of the report ends with "Conclusions and Recommendations." In this section, you summarize the objective data and findings, and propose recommendations, if necessary and appropriate.


If your report presents data that you gathered from published sources, show those sources in a bibliography that should include traditional publications, Internet sources and people who you might have interviewed.

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Business Law and Ethics: Review the harrisburg university honor policy
Reference No:- TGS02953100

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