
Review the following facts and determine what crime has

Review the following facts and determine what crime has been committed if any.

Dan, age 8, is kicking the soccer ball against a brick wall at his house, when he accidently kicks it over the wall and into his next door neighbor Bill’s yard. Bill, who is pruning his prized roses, picks up the ball and takes it in his house. That night, Dan decides that he will retrieve his ball and get even with Bill. Dan sneaks out of his house, and get a can of gasoline from his garage. Dan climbs over the wall and pours gasoline on Bill’s roses. Dan then crawls through the dog door Bill has in his back door. Dan wanders through Bills house until he finds the ball on the dining room table. Because it is dark, Dan does not see the expensive vase sitting next to the ball on the table. Dan knocks the vase over when he grabs the ball. The shattering vase wakes Bill up. Dan runs out the back door, and throws a match on the roses. The roses burn to the ground before Bill can put out the fire. Nothing else is damaged.

What crimes if any, has Dan committed? Explain your answer.

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Operation Management: Review the following facts and determine what crime has
Reference No:- TGS02909076

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