
Review the financial statements for the organization

PART I- Write a minimum 500-word narrative discussing the purposes, advantages, and disadvantages of the following:
Flexible budgeting
Performance budgeting
Zero-based budgeting

Based on your knowledge of the services provided in Sample Public Service Organization and their fiscal activities, which budget format would you recommend they utilize? Explain your answer.


Review the financial statements for the organization profiled in Sample Public Service Organization Financial Statements.
Calculate the following ratios for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016:

Current ratio
Debt ratio
Revenue and expense ratio
Program services ratio
Contribution ratio

Do not provide a narrative response in this section. Instead, you must show all your mathematical work to receive full credit for this section of the final paper.

Use the Ratio Response Table to display your final answers for each ratio across fiscal years.

Write a minimum 350-word narrative explaining the significance of each ratio you have been asked to calculate.

What kind of information does each ratio reveal about the fiscal health of an organization?

Based on your results, discuss whether or not you feel the organization's financial picture has improved over the 3-year period.


Write a minimum 500-word narrative discussing why effective financial management is important for public service organizations.

What do you feel are the most important aspects for public service employees to understand about financial management?

Submit your 3-part paper while adhering to the following guidelines:

Your paper must be in Microsoft®Word format and feature a title page and reference page.

Utilize the table provided in Ratio Response Table, which you should copy and paste into your final Microsoft®Word document for Part II of the Final.

Do not submit attachments to your Final Project; all information should be contained within the Microsoft®Word document.

All essay responses must be in paragraph format and feature complete sentences.

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Accounting Basics: Review the financial statements for the organization
Reference No:- TGS02541386

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