
Review the film-clips from the corporation

Problem: Watch both film-clips from The Corporation (links for both can be found below and under the Materials/Content/Videos tabs).  While being attentive to the material that we have covered thus far in the course, do you think it is ethical for companies to manipulate and deceive consumers in the ways noted within the film-clips?  Why or why not?  Strong responses will make explicit connections with a comprehensive ethical theory and Ethics Across the Professions.   [The Corporation was released by Zeitgeist Films in 2004 and was directed by Mark Achbar.]

Film-Clips (Please to the the following times.) -- The Corporation: "Basic Training" (15:31 to 23:14) and "Triumph of the Shill" (28:29 to 31:35)

The Corporation (Full Documentary)

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Reference No:- TGS03342865

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