Review the film - blind chance

roblem: In the film Blind Chance direction by Krzysztof Kieslowski and release in 1987, the film introduced main character name Witek's life works out differently  as a result of some minor seemingly random events (such as whether he bumps into one passerby or another while running to catch a train). Putting aside the political content of the film and what it says about Poland in the 1980s specifically, what is Krzysztof Kieslowski, the director of the film suggesting about really large philosophical concepts such as free will v. destiny? What does he seem to suggest about how much a person has control over what happens to them and how much is due to 'accidents' such as where and when someone is born and raised? Do you see anything that is either dramatically different or striking similar in each of the three segments and what might that suggest?


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Reference No:- TGS03392109

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