Problem: "John, a 30-year-old man, is a new student in MACP program and seems eager to start the learning process. John has been through a traumatic background of abuse and neglect, suffered from addiction problems in the past, and now he works in an addiction clinic. In an introduction to an ethics course, John wrote that he would be "the best counsellor because he understood what his clients were going through, regardless of culture, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation." He also wrote, "I'm proud of my past struggles, and no one is perfect; however, I already know how to give advice; I just need a degree to confirm that I am fit to be registered as a counsellor. "
In choosing a career in the helping professions, it is imperative that you reflect on the reasons you are considering entering this field. Review the ethics code/standards of practice and discuss what personal and professional issues you see in John's presentation?
Making sense of ethics, posted at Josephson Institute
Groundwork For Making Effective Decisions at Josephson Institute