
Review the emergency department encounter

Assignment Instructions: Review the following emergency department encounter and determine what, if any, needs a physician query. Patient presents to the Emergency Department with a laceration of her left arm. She tripped and fell over an object, and, fell to the floor. She experienced a temporary loss of consciousness, however, appears fully conscious and alert at this time. Wound is located just below the elbow and bleeding is currently controlled. Head: Normocephalic, no bruises or injuries evident Neck: Supple with no masses, bruits Cardiac: Normal rate and rhythm Abdomen: Soft, nontender Neuro: Grossly intact A CT of the head was performed which was negative. The laceration was repaired with sutures, and the patient was instructed to keep the wound clean and dry and return to the ED or her primary care physician in 10 days for removal. Patient was given antibiotics to take during the next 10 days.

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Other Subject: Review the emergency department encounter
Reference No:- TGS03422453

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