
Review the current status of your company

Discuss below in 8 page:

Your task is to review the current status of your selected company and make recommendations for changes with respect to CSR. After careful review of the status of CSR, stakeholder attitudes, and your own research, develop a Social Responsibility Plan for your selected company.

Overview of the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan

You have attained the position of global responsibility director for your approved company. Your first task is to review the current status of the company and make recommendation for changes with respect to CSR. After careful review of the status of CSR and stakeholder attitudes, develop a plan for future CSR changes. Be sure to review the existing documentation and extend your knowledge with your own research. Research findings should be properly cited and APA-formatted both within the body of the paper and in the References page.

The report will be submitted to a (hypothetical) board of directors for approval. Once approval is given, you will work toward incorporating your CSR programs as major a component of corporate decision making and activities. Be sure to outline, in each category, how the company's vision and values are exemplified.

If the company has a well-developed CSR plan, your additions should allow its leadership position to be enhanced.
Include all section headings below in the body of the paper.

1. Include all the HEADINGS and SUBHEADINGS listed in the guidelines/directions in the body of your paper.

2. Remember, you are taking on the role of the CSR Director in your selected company. The HEART of the assignment is your PLANS AND PROGRAMS that you intend to implement under each major section. Be specific. Support your recommendations with research properly cited with in text citations.

3. Follow APA and good writing strategies. The following tips are suggestions to keep in mind based on the common errors that are found in this assignment:

a. Support all factual statements. Paraphrased thoughts and ideas must be cited with in text citations. Direct quotes from sources must contain quotation marks around the words that are used and correctly cited with an in text citation. Direct quote in text citations require a page or para number.

b. Remember, the point to this assignment is to hear YOUR thinking on the topic, not the words/thoughts of others.

c. At least four outside sources must be used in your assignment.

d. Write in third person. Do not use first or second person point of view.

e. Double check your APA formatting. Common errors include:

Executive Summary: he executive summary usually is 1-2 pages long.
An executive summary is a short section of a document that summarizes a longer report in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It will usually contain a brief statement of what is covered in the major document, background information, concise analysis and main conclusions.

Write the executive summary as though it will be distributed to decision makers in the focus organization. The executive summary is an overview of the entire report.

Executive summaries are much like any other summary in that their main goal is to provide a condensed version of the content of a longer report.

Executive summaries are written literally for an executive who most likely DOES NOT have the time to read the original.

The summary should include the major details of your report. Just like a movie might begin with a fight scene or a magazine article opens with a funny anecdote, you'll need a strong hook for your executive summary. The most important part of an executive summary is the first paragraph that clearly explains what the company does.

After the first paragraph, summarize each section of the report in the same order that is presented in the full report. To make the structure as relevant as possible for the reader, you should utilize these categories:

Organization's Vision, Values, and Current Programs

Economic Actions Overview

Political Actions Overview

Civil Society Actions Overview

Environmental Actions Overview

Media Campaign Overview


This section will review the current state of CSR within the company. Include:

Current vision and value statements

Current programs related to the three spheres and the environment

Recent events related to current programs

Reported stakeholder view of programs and actions of the company


Describe the current status of the company with regard to:

Employee relations

Corporate culture

Investor relations


Describe the plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within economic sphere


Describe the current status of the company with regard to:

Regulatory structures

Adherence to government regulations

Relations to government entities

Describe the plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within political sphere

Civil Society

Describe the current status of the company with regard to:

NGOs (non-governmental organizations)

Local communities


The world

Describe the plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within the civil society sphere


Describe the current status of the company with regard to:

Local environmental impacts

Global environmental impacts

Describe the plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within the environment

Media Campaign

Develop an advertising/public service/media campaign for the CSR initiatives in your CSR Plan.


Objectives (Describe the objective of the ads. What is the message that you are trying to convey?)

Media and Audience (Describe the media you would you use for each CSR initiative in the campaign. Describe the target audience for each CSR initiative in the campaign.)

Implementation (Describe the strategies for implementing the campaign.)

Summarize the important elements from the paper.

At least four references must be used

References must be formatted in APA

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Other Management: Review the current status of your company
Reference No:- TGS01800398

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