
Review the cover letter guidelines in the job manual

Composing a Cover Letter

A good first impression is vitally important. What makes a successful job search are the techniques and creativity you develop in presenting your credentials. The more meaningful your interview and especially your post-interview closing, the more positive impressions you make, possibly resulting in more call backs. Focus on what will impress the decision maker and concentrate on what will help you obtain a job offer. Assembling good collateral that catches the eye of the decision maker is only half the battle; obtaining the offer takes hard work and effective closing methods.

Review the cover letter guidelines in the Job Manual. Conduct further research on cover letters through the NCU Library and the Internet. Then, write a cover letter to respond to a posted job that is currently available. Create effective descriptions focusing on this job opportunity using your PARs and FABs list. In your letter, be sure to highlight the best collateral for the job.

In addition to your cover letter, prepare an explanation of the key points included in your letter. Why did you select these for this certain job opportunity? How do you think this prospective employer will respond to your letter and why?

Length: 1 page cover letter and 2-3 page explanation, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to also include a copy of the posted job opening that was the basis for this assignment.

Your letter and summary should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

Research Desired Employers

Activity Description

Identify three companies you wish to be employed by, and then create a detailed plan with supporting cover letter, profile, and résumé that you will present as part of your comprehensive package. These materials should be tailored to meet the requirements for each company. You may find that targeting an industry will assist in your research process.

In addition to your personal marketing documentation, prepare a paper to explain why you chose the target companies and specific job postings you wish to pursue. Include all of the basic materials in this course and be comprehensive in the treatment and execution of your job pursuit. Provide research rationale to support your company selections and distinguish what collateral you will customize to get the interview. Detail your closing strategy and offer unique ways to send your message to the decision maker.

Part of your research must include related personal goals, aspirations, and overall objectives to demonstrate what your background can do to augment and improve company goals. Match your background and capabilities to the needs of a company so you are able to differentiate yourself from other individuals seeking the same job. Offer critical attributes to help a decision maker understand that if hired, you would perform your job duties efficiently and correctly. Sell your assets and demonstrate how you can make a positive difference within the organization.

Support your paper with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Cover letters and resumes for three companies: 6-9 pages

Create a paper of 6-8pages, excluding title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

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HR Management: Review the cover letter guidelines in the job manual
Reference No:- TGS01811022

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