
Review the comprehensive annual financial report

Task: Review the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) from


Question 1. How many capital projects funds does the government maintain? How can you tell? Are any of these major funds? If so, for what purposes are they maintained?

Question 2. How many debt service funds does the government maintain? How can you tell? Are any of these major funds? If so, for what types of obligations are they maintained?

Question 3. Are the capital projects and debt service funds reported upon in the government-wide statement of net assets? If so, how?

Question 4. Select one of the more recently established (and larger) capital projects funds (a major fund, if there is one).

a. From where did the fund receive most of its resources?

b. Did the city acquire or construct new capital assets using resources of this fund? If so, in what amount?

c. Does this fund have any long-term debts associated with it? If so, does the government maintain a debt service fund to account for the resources to service the debt?

Did the government issue additional long-term debt to support governmental activities during the year? Did it repay any long-term debt used to support governmental activities? Did it engage in any in-substance defeasances?


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Accounting Basics: Review the comprehensive annual financial report
Reference No:- TGS01926555

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