
Review the chicago and la sales associate

Assignment: Case Analysis What's Wrong with the Team

Create a 4 page paper for your instructor to grade. A page is considered 300 words. The paper will include a title page, research page and follow APA format.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Step 1:

This will provide the background information necessary for the case analysis.

Step 2:

Review the case scenario

Step 3:

Great companies are often defined by the cohesiveness and willingness to work together to achieve a common set of goals. The foundation of these relationships is built upon trust and an acute awareness of needing each member to go the extra mile in order to make their co-workers' job that much easier. It often takes an "it takes a village" approach to create company-wide success. This approach is certainly lacking in the case of Reflex and the attitude of Rankin.

The Chicago and L.A. sales associates sent the following email to the CEO, Dyer:

"We as the sales teams would like to request a training session to better understand the uses of the CRM system as we are all in the dark as to how this works from a functional and technical aspect. When we are approached by vendors and have to use the system we are unable to assist them in anyway. We are hoping that you will reach out to Rankin to schedule this training as we feel his leadership style and communications with us are creating internal conflicts."

Considering the case outline and the above comments, illustrate the below :

1: As the CEO, document the leadership style of Rankin in terms of his individual style, motivation, and self management skills. You will need to be precise as this will be shared with Rankin. Your emphasis should be on areas that will be used to help Ranking in becoming a more effective and efficient manager?

2. Put yourself in the position of Rankin. You have just received the assessment of your leadership style by the CEO. In some respects you are quite taken aback but see this as an opportunity to become more aware of your actions as the sales manager.
Create a plan of action to enhance your personal attributes as the sales manager in the following areas:

• Self-Aware

• Personality and Behavior

• Stress Management

• Clarity of Mind

• Clarity of Objectives

• Clarity of an Organized System

3: Considering the attributes listed in number 2 (how would each of these apply to your career goals at this point in time?

Change Management?

Create a 2-page paper answer to the following:

What is change management? Is it important to an organization? Why or why not? What might an organization go through if change management is not a priority?

You must Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Assignment: Case Analysis The Need to Explain

Assignment: You will make a 3-4 page paper .The paper will include a title page, research page and follow APA format.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Step 1:

The office of Dr. Figgy Jenkins has been treating patients for over 20 years in her internal medicine practice. It is a small practice which includes herself, a nurse, her husband Jason, who works as the office manager, and the front desk receptionist Jemma Morrow. The majority of patients are older and are comfortable with the practice being small and the caring service Jemma has offered. Jemma has been with them since she was 19 and has only worked this one job. She is the breadwinner as her husband is disabled and unable to work. She relies on this job for the health insurance. Jason is an assertive manager and has to be in control of all situations dealing with the office. The local hospital approached the Jenkins' about merging the practice and the staff to be under the control of the hospital. Employee oversight will come mostly from hospital management.

The change is very appealing to the Jenkins' as they would not have to pay for the conversion to electronic health records at a cost of $30,000. Dr. Jenkins would receive additional pay and fringe benefits would be paid to her husband. It has been rumored that other practices going this route have resulted in most of the employees loosing their jobs. Let's assume that the Jenkins have decided to merge with the hospital.

Step 2:

Considering the above, answer the following:

1: What do you see as the Jenkins' approach to each strategy to communicate this change to Jemma? Which one do you see as being the most and which one the least effective and why?

2: Organizational change is a natural progression that can help a company grow and prosper. However, unplanned changes can result in life altering experiences. What do you see as the potential problems with this change from the patients' and Jemma's perspective?

3: Assume Jemma has just been told of the change and it is quite emotional. She is not happy with how the Jenkins' sprung this on her. The change will take place in two weeks. What types of support do you see Jemma needing and why?

4: Considering work changes or potential work changes that you have or could face, what advice would you give Jemma to cope with these changes?


What is your perception of a poorly written communication from a business? How might that perception affect the overall success of that business?

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Other Management: Review the chicago and la sales associate
Reference No:- TGS01776175

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