
Review the chapter on ethics and compare the ncda current

Question: NCDA Ethical Standards

The authors of Ethics Chapter in the course text claim that while conducting research for the chapter, they found a paucity of sources dedicated to ethical and legal issues specifically aimed at vocational/career counseling. Given the likelihood of a counselor encountering a client with vocational/career issues, this Discussion will focus your attention on the material in the text and on the ethical standards from NCDA, which are dedicated to vocational/career counseling.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the chapter on Ethics, and compare the NCDA current ethical code with the current ethical code of your discipline (either ACA or APA)

• Given your specific specialty area, work setting, and client population*, select two individual standards (one from the NCDA Code and one from the ACA or APA Code) that you think are most important to adhere to and explain why.

• Then select two individual standards (one from the NCDA Code and one from the ACA or APA Code) that you think would be most challenging to adhere to, given your specialty area, work setting, and client population
With these thoughts in mind:

Question/Post a brief summary of each of your selections. Then explain why you chose each standard. Comment on any differences you found between the NCDA and the ACA or APA Codes of Ethics.

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Dissertation: Review the chapter on ethics and compare the ncda current
Reference No:- TGS02800905

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