
Review the book-business for the glory of god


Read the following: Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God: The Bible's teaching on the moral goodness of business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway. ISBN: 9781581345179.

Begin reading during the first module/week of the course. In Week 5 you will submit an APA-formatted book review of 1,500 to 2,100 words. Begin by briefly articulating the author's main positions or themes. Then, discuss one or two main points with which you agree and one or two with which you do not agree, supporting your thoughts with well-reasoned arguments. Your analysis must also be supported by at least 3 sources other than the Grudem book, cited in-text and in a reference list in current APA format, and biblical principles.

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Business Management: Review the book-business for the glory of god
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