
Review the article - the long trail of cancers clues

Assignment Instructions:

Please choose one of the following articles relevant to this unit of the class material. Once you choose your article you will read it thoroughly and write a reflection paper. I am hoping that reading these articles will help show you how the material you are learning in this class applies to real world applications and current events in science!

Please write a 3-paragraph, 275 word minimum, 500 word maximum, paper according to the following specifications:

1. Provide a one paragraph summary of the article (i.e. topic, main discoveries, model organism used, any controversies involved...)

2. In a paragraph, describe how this article relates to the content from the class

3. In a paragraph, state your personal view of the article (what did you find interesting?, what questions do you have?, did you find something surprising?, etc.)

4. When you're done just put Turnitin to check

This is article: The Long Trail of Cancer's Clues By George Johnson

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Other Subject: Review the article - the long trail of cancers clues
Reference No:- TGS03443082

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