
Review the article-the coming of the superpredators


2 pages

Instruction and reading attached

Read the article "The coming of the superpredators" by John Dilulio. Then, write an essay summarizing and responding to the article, answering the questions below. Your essay should respond to Dilulio's theses, making an argument for whether you agree or disagree with his basic argument(s) regarding the causes of juvenile delinquency and how society should best respond to juvenile delinquency. The length of the essay should be about 750 words (500 to 1000 range) or about 3 pages (2 to 4 page range) if using double-spacing and 12-point font.

Note: length is provided for guidance only; content is most important.

1. What is Dilulio's main thesis? Include any additional theses you identify.

2. What anecdotal evidence does Dilulio cite in support of his theses?

3. What empirical evidence does Dilulio cite in support of his theses?

4. What is the logic of Dilulio's argument(s)?

5. Do you agree or disagree with Dilulio's thesis? Include why (e.g. credibility of evidence, logic of argument).

To pass this assignment, your essay should do the following:


o Accurately and completely summarizes/describes article


o Contains a clear thesis

o Provides reasoning and evidence to explain position

Organization and coherence:

o Introduction engages audience

o Ideas flow logically and coherently

o Conclusion summarizes arguments, reiterates thesis


o Contains minimal (less than 5) errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, use of abbreviation, incomplete sentences

Format and length

o Double-spaced, 12-point font o Minimum 500 words or 2 pages


The Coming of the super-Predators

By John J. Dilulio

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Business Law and Ethics: Review the article-the coming of the superpredators
Reference No:- TGS03033673

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