
Review the article remediation



1. Explore some of the different media and their capabilities for getting a message across.

? Read the article "Remediation," by Adam Breckenridge, University of South Florida.

? View the "Everyday Moments, Caught in Time" TED Talk by Billy Collins

? Read the Writing Commons article that asks you to "Consider Your Audience."

? Read the Writing Commons article that asks you to "Consider Your Purpose."

? Explore this List of Multimodal Composition Tools.

2. Review your resume and consider how you'll present it in a new format.

Discussion Prompt:

1. First, give two examples of media that you find engaging. What is it about the capabilities of each that draws you in?

2. Second, propose two ideas that you might apply to this assignment.

3. Third, suggest an idea for a free development tool that isn't already listed on the List of Multimodal Composition Tools page.


1. Write your own Multimodal Project Proposal using the guidelines below. Flesh out the plan you have for your creative piece and the rationale behind it. You need to give specific reasons for the mode you are using, whether it's audio, visual, or text-based.

? Your Multimodal Project Proposal must include 4 parts:

1. The résumé strategy you want to focus on;

2. Your working thesis (1 sentence; what you'll be trying to get across in a different medium);

3. The medium you plan to use and why: Photo essay, short video, collage, interactive story, and so on (2 to 3 sentences);

4. A brief rationale for your choice of medium (4 to 5 sentences)


1. Review similar items that use your technology: presentations, videos, podcasts, infographics, etc.

2. Consider your audience and the purpose of your project. What did you outline in your project proposal?

? Review the List of Multimodal Composition Tools from earlier in this module, and consider how they can be used to convey your message.

3. As you are working, keep notes about the creative decisions you make. You'll use these to write a rationale that you'll submit with your final project. The final Rationale should be 400 to 500 words explaining your choices of media, image, music, speech, or other elements that you use to highlight something important. It may build on some of the ideas you outlined in your proposal, and you should refer back to that. You'll submit this as part of your final product.


Submit the following completed Multimodal Composition parts in the Multimodal Composition Final Draft dropbox folder:

1. Multimodal Composition Rationale: Submit the rationale to the dropbox folder as one of the following acceptable file types:

2. Multimodal Composition Creative Piece:

If the creative piece of your Multimodal Composition is a basic type of document (eg. PPT, PDF, Audio file, etc.), you can submit the file to the dropbox folder alongside your rationale.

If your Multimodal Composition creative piece is stored online using another website (eg. Youtube, Prezi, etc.), you will need to submit a hyperlink to your final project. This means that you'll need to have that project saved on a publicly-accessible service somewhere. Remember that each site will have different permission levels that you assign to your project.

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Other Subject: Review the article remediation
Reference No:- TGS02978916

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