
Review the article in dimensions of early childhood


What ethical issues are associated with the following parenting topics: genetic testing, designer babies, cloning, prenatal screening, and older people having babies? Select two topics to discuss and provide your viewpoints, but remember to substantiate your views with supportive evidence.

You may use the required resources or any properly cited external resource to support your response.


Read: Becoming a Parent

Parenting: A Dynamic Perspective discusses becoming a parent, from deciding to have a baby, through pregnancy and birth, to the transition to being a parent.

Read: Parenting: From Infancy Through the Preschool Years

Parenting: A Dynamic Perspective covers parenting in the first five years of a child's life: infancy (0-12 months), toddler (1-3 years), and preschool years (4-5).

Watch: The Secret Life of the Brain: The Baby's Brain

Did you know that even a tiny piece of a baby's brain the size of a grain of rice contains about 10,000 nerve cells? Watch this brief clip of the PBS documentary "The Secret Life of the Brain: The Baby's Brain" to learn about the development of a baby's brain.

Watch: The Science of Early Childhood Development

Jack Shonkoff, M.D., professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard School of Public Health, and Harvard Medical School, describes the science of early childhood development. Dr. Shonkoff states the brain is "built from the bottom up" with basic circuits being created first and more complex circuits developing as the child grows. Watch this video clip to learn what neuroscience and behavioral research teach us about early childhood development.

Watch: Patricia Kuhl: The Linguistic Genius of Babies

In this TED talk, Patricia Kuhl, Ph.D., co-director of the University of Washington Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, endowed chair of the Bezos Family Foundation for Early Childhood Learning, and director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Science of Learning Center, discusses her research on language acquisition in an infant's brain. Dr. Kuhl discusses her team's investigation of a child's brain as they listen, learn to speak, solve problems, learn to read, and experience emotions.

Read: Dimensions of Early Childhood

In their article in Dimensions of Early Childhood, Lorelle Lentz, Kay Kyeong-Ju Seo, and Briget Gruner re-examine the debate of how old children should be before they use technology. Lentz, Seo, and Gruner rephrase the question to "how much technology use by your children is ‘just right'?" Read the article to find out what technology can be used successfully with young children and which technology should only be used by older children.

Read: The Developing Parent by Melissa Diener

Parents also develop alongside their children, and this article follows the significant development trends for the same.

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Biology: Review the article in dimensions of early childhood
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