
Review the article-eastward to promontory

Consider the following questions:

1. Visit the web site for Gettysburg National Military Park (https://www.nps.gov/gett/index.htm). Write, in your own words, a one page description of ongoing and recently completed battlefield restoration projects.

2. When the United States acquired new territories beginning with the Treaty of Paris of 1783 through the Annexation of Hawaii in 1898, much of the land acquired went into the federal estate. Explain how and why the Annexation of Texas in 1845 was an exception.

3. Read the article, "Eastward to Promontory" by Rebecca Cooper Winter on the Central Pacific Railroad's History site. Write a one page summary of the most interesting things you learned.

4. Visit the web site of the Society of American Foresters (https://safnet.org) and click on the link "About SAF" at the top of the page. Read the SAF Core Values and Mission Statement, then surf the web site and write a one page summary of the specific programs SAF has adopted to implement its mission.

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