Q1) In the article, "Data Mining Architecture: Components, Types & Techniques", The author discusses components, architectures, and techniques of data mining. Pick a topic from one of the three-section and expound on it. The idea is to take the information provided and explain it as if you were having a discussion with someone who knows nothing about data mining. The paper is to be a minimum of three pages and requires a minimum of three references.
Essential Activities:
Complete the week's readings prior to writing your paper.
1. This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.
2. Please refer to the written assignment rubric on the course information tab for this paper.
3. All work is to be original.
Reference link:-
2)In the article, "Overview of Data Mining", The author provides five key takeaways. Examine one key takeaway and expand on the information provided. The paper should provide sufficient information for the reader to make an informed decision on the topic. The paper is to be a minimum of three pages and requires a minimum of three references.
Essential Activities:
Complete the week's readings prior to writing your paper.