
Review the article- crisis and escalation in cyberspace


Select and read three articles from the list bellow:

Kello, L. (2013). The meaning of the cyber revolution: Perils to theory and statecraft. International Security, Fall 2013.

Gartzke, E. (2013). The myth of cyberwar: Bringing war in cyberspace back down to earth. International Security, Fall 2013.

Arquilla, J. (2012). Cyberwar is already upon us. Foreign Policy. March/April, 2012.

Brown, G. & Poellet, K. (2012). The Customary International Law of Cyberspace. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 6, no. 3, pp. 126-145.

Caplan, N. (2013). Cyber War: the Challenge to National Security. Global Security Studies, Winter 2013, Volume 4, Issue

Studentnummer, L. van den Boom (2012). The dilemmas of state response to cyber attacks. Understanding the phenomena, challenges and legal response. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Paper Governance of Security and Policing.

Crosston, M. D. (2011). World Gone Cyber MAD: How 'Mutually Assured Debilitation' Is the Best Hope for Cyber Deterrence. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 5, no. 1, pp. 100-116.

Goldsmith, J. (2011). Cybersecurity Treaties: A Skeptical View. A Future Challenges Essay. Hoover Institution.

Mudrinich, E. (2012). Cyber 3.0: the Department of Defense strategy for operating in cyberspace and the attribution problem.

Guinchard, A. (2011). Between Hype and Understatement: Reassessing Cyber Risks as a Security Strategy. Journal of Strategic Security Volume 4 Number 2 Summer 2011.

Khosla, P. (2009). Information Security for the Next Century. Carnegie Mellon CyLab.

Hansen, L., & Nissenbaum, H. (2009). Digital disaster, cyber security, and the Copenhagen School. International Studies Quarterly, 53(4), pp. 1155-1175.

Kusiak, P. (2012). Culture, Identity, and Information Technology in the 21st Century: Implications for U.S. National Security. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute.

Libicki, M. C. (2012). Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica: RAND.

Nye, J. (2011). Nuclear lessons for cyber security. Strategic Studies Quarterly. Winter 2011.

Rid T. (2012). Think again: Cyberwar. Foreign Policy. March/April, 2012.

Robinson, N., Gribbon, L., Horvath, V. & Robertson, K. (2013). Cyber-security threat characterisation: A rapid comparative analysis. RAND Europe.

Schilling, J. R. (2010). Defining Our National Cyberspace Boundaries. Strategy Research Project. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College.

Schneider, F. B. & Birman, K.B. (2009). The monoculture risk put into context. IEEE Security & Privacy.

Schneider, F. & Mulligan, D. (2011). Doctrine for cybersecurity. Daedalus. Fall 2011, pp. 70-92.

Steptoe Cyberblog (2012). The hackback debate. Nov. 2, 2012.

Ahmad, R. & Yunos, Z (2012). The Application of Mixed Method in Developing a Cyber Terrorism Framework. Journal of Information Security, 2012, 3, pp. 209-214.

Gourley, B. (2009). Open Source Software and Cyber Defense. A White Paper provided to the National Security Council and Homeland Security Council as input to the White House Review of Communications and Information Infrastructure.

Cote, R. (2011). The Strategic Paradox of Social Networks. Strategy Research Project. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College.

ANswer these questions in 250 words:

What strikes you as the most persuasive and non-persuasive premise or thesis?

Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.

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