
Review the article adult education-andragogy-pedagogy


You need a literature review conducted on 7 scholarly articles dealing with Adult Education, Andragogy & Pedagogy, Adult learning styles, etc.

Here are some possible choices to review or you can pick you own as long as they deal with Adult Education, Andragogy & Pedagogy and Adult Learning Styles.

Fabri, P.J. (2008). Is there a difference between education and training?, American College of Surgeons.

Fortino, A. (n.d.). Education versus Training: Selecting the Right Lifelong Learning Experience, Paradigm Research International.

Mansell, W. (2010). Train or Educate Teachers?. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(2), 90-91.

Wheeler, K. (2013). What's the Difference Between Training, Education, Development and Learning?, Future of talent Institute.

Educational Technology (2014). Chart on "Pedagogy and Andragogy".

Reischmann, J. (n.d.). Welcome to Andragogy, Bamberg University, Germany.

Smith, M. K. (2013) Andragogy: what is it and does it help thinking about adult learning, The Encyclopedia of Informal Education.

Smith, M. K. (2012) What is Pedagogy?, The Encyclopedia of Informal Education.

Educational Technology (2014). Chart on "Pedagogy and Andragogy".

Queensland (2012). Adult Learning Theory and Principles, Queensland Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Collaborative.

Reischmann, J. (n.d.). Welcome to Andragogy, Bamberg University, Germany.

Smith, M. K. (2013) Andragogy: what is it and does it help thinking about adult learning, The Encyclopedia of Informal Education.

Blaschke, L. (2012). Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning, The international Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Vol. 13, No. 1.

Eberie, J. & Childress, M. (n.d.). Heutagogy: It Isn't Your Mother's Pedagogy Any More, National Social Science Association.

Kenyon, C. & Hase, S. (n.d.). Moving from andragogy to heutagogy in vocational education, Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association.

Palaiologos, G. (2011). From Pedagogy to Andragogy and Heutagogy: Thinking Distance Education and Self-Directed Learning, Social Science Research Network.

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