
Review the accounts payable process flowchart given to you



The owner of ABC Co. has asked you to look into a possible issue with the company's accounts payable. They have provided you with the detail for the accounts payable account. You will be conducting some procedures for ABC Co. and analyzing the results. There is concern that approval processes are not being followed, including lack of approval and thresholds not being monitored.

The company has 4 managers: Tom Cruz, Harry Cruz, Laura Rollins, Mike Keller. The company has 5 accounts payable processors: Alan Kind, Becky Cole, Carla Anderson, Doug Gills, and Rhonda Smith. Only Alan Kind and Becky Cole have authority to approve cash disbursements. Any check disbursement must be approved by at least one manager. Any expenditure over $500 should have two approvals by managers.


• This project is split into four parts with one part due each week of the course. Based on your readings, use of technology, research of literature, and other sources do the following:

Part 1-Review the Accounts Payable Process flowchart given to you by the owner of ABC Co. Based on the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, prepare a 1-2-page summary in the form of an engagement letter of what type of service you plan to perform for the company and how you plan to proceed to address the owner's concerns.

Part 2-Using the Accounts Payable Detail file and the process flowchart provided in Part 1 perform some analytical tests.

You will need to perform some analytical tests on the accounts payable detail account file using IDEA that you think may be necessary. Remember there are tutorial videos on the IDEA website to assist you. Write a 1-2 sentence explanation for each analysis you are performing and print screen your results along with the history log when you have completed the analysis in IDEA to turn in this week.

Part 3-Prepare a 2-3-page analysis discussing what you found as a result of your analysis and what internal controls you would recommend to the owner of ABC Co.

Part 4-Present your project through Power Point


• The report should be should be 4-5 pages in total for the entire project (not including cover page, abstract, or references)
• Include the Excel and IDEA screenshot(s) or files as exhibits in your paper
• Include a minimum of 2 scholarly sources from the KU Library and the AICPA
• All sources used are to be cited in APA format.

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Accounting Basics: Review the accounts payable process flowchart given to you
Reference No:- TGS02319238

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