Review social problem of racial and ethnicity inequality

Assignment task:

Choose one social problem of racial inequality, ethnicity inequality, or gender inequality.  (NOTE: Please do not select racial or gender discrimination. These are not the same as racial or gender inequality.)  Find a recent (within the last 24 months) News Article related to your chosen issue.

Do not select or include a journal article or an article from the "Humans of New York Series." You must choose one NEWS Article.

Sources: You will only use two sources for this assignment. The "one" news article and the textbook.  Do not include or use more than these two sources for this assignment.

You will include a summary of the article and an analysis of the article concerning the social problem you identified (racial inequality, ethnicity inequality, or gender inequality).

Be sure to incorporate four social concepts from class into your analysis to support your key points. In other words, apply four social concepts you identified in the one news article.  The social problem you selected does not count as one of the four social concepts.

You must start with a brief introduction (DO NOT include a subheading for this section because it is implied) that includes a description of the social problem.

After the introduction, you should have two subheadings. They should read as follows and in bold:  Summary or Summary of the News Article and Social Concepts.

You must end with a brief summary or conclusion (do not include a subheading because it is implied).

Do not use AI to complete this assignment. This assignment must be original work and in your own words. I will check for the use of AI.

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Other Subject: Review social problem of racial and ethnicity inequality
Reference No:- TGS03440391

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