Assignment task: As a TV show: "Opioids." Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. HBO. 23 October 2016.
As an internet video clip: LastWeekTonight. "Opioids." YouTube, uploaded by LastWeekTonight, 2016
Please answer the questions on clip;
1.) In the above clip, what is the problem being discussed?
2.) Oliver relates prescription painkillers to heroin and argues that prescription painkillers are a "major cause" of heroin abuse. Do you agree with this connection? Does Oliver transition between these ideas well?
3.) What concessions does Oliver make to potential counterarguments?
4.) Does the humor in this clip help or hurt Oliver's arguments?
5.) What is "pseudoaddiction"? Does this example of a medical theory help Oliver's arguments?
6.) Going back to Question 1, what is a possible solution Oliver gives for this problem?
7.) What are some other solutions you can think of?