
Review-senior citizens-the new face of aids

You make some comments in the following peers, the comments should be a minimum of one short paragraph. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.

Review the Chapter - Disease, Illness, and Disorders

Article/video: Senior Citizens: The New Face Of AIDS By Amy Clark

Continue to do a little of your own research on this subject. What additional information were you able to find? What did you find interesting or surprising? What biases, myths, and stereotypes come up when discussing the relationship between aging and sexual relations?

Below is what my peers wrote based on the above question, PLEASE WHEN YOU START MAKING THE COMMENTS TRY TO NOT USE THE SAME WORDS IN EACH OF THEM.


I would like to be very honest about the article we have read this week. I was quite disturbed by the fact that older population is increasingly contracting sexually transmitted diseases. I would assume that by this age a person has good impulse control and wise enough not to make such mistakes. From my additional source I have learned some of the reasons for this surprising rise in US. One is that traditional marriage is losing its value. As a result the divorce rate is really high which encourages older adults to continue dating. Another reason is the new medication as Viagra that enables older men to perform in the bedroom. In addition many women do not see them selves at risk of getting pregnant therefore do not use any protection.

This could be a stereotype but I think that sexual activity, desire and ability decline with age for a reason and using heavy medication, as Viagra to force this into later years just seems unnatural. My view is that with age couple's focus shifts from physical to emotional, spiritual, and intellectual. While sexual activity declines, other aspects of relationship such as friendship grows into something much more stronger, deeper, and kinder. I thought that having random unprotected sex was a mistake of a younger population. If one can contract STD at a younger age then why is it a surprise for them to contract it at the older age. The immature action brings the same results no matter how old the person is. However, it all depends how an individual views sex all together. I know different cultures have different place for sexual activity in society as well as in the relationships, therefore I can only react from my own culture and perception. I truly hope I did not offend anyone with my post, but I was very surprised that this issue persists through adulthood.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Older Adults. (n.d.).

Clark, A. (2006, August 18). Senior Citizens: The New Face Of AIDS.


After reading the article and watching the video this week about seniors contracting AIDS, I must admit I was quite surprised. I know that sexual drive declines as we age, but with the market for things like libido enhancers and Viagra, it is not doubtful that seniors are having sexual relations well into late adulthood. The fact that I found most surprising is that these seniors are contracting HIV. I found it quite disturbing that the contraction of HIV increased 500% in the senior population from the year 1995-2003. I wondered to myself, with all the life experience seniors have why are they not protecting themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Many seniors are sexually active. They are numerous widowed and divorced individuals that are dating again and they are less likely to protect themselves than younger people. Why is this the case? According to the CDC women who no longer worry about getting pregnant because they have gone through menopause are less likely to practice safe sex (:Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, 2013).

Seniors are also less likely to discuss their sexual habits with doctors, and stereotypically doctors may think seniors are not sexually active and may not ask about their sexual habits on routine visits (:Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, 2013). This proposes a real threat because early signs of HIV mimic the signs of again. Older adults will think that these symptoms are signs of aging and not go to their doctors for an HIV test. Unfortunately this leads to late HIV diagnoses in seniors and shorter time intervals for HIV to turn into AIDS. According to the CDC, 44% of people aged 50 to 59, 49% of people aged 60-64, and 53% of people aged 65 and older diagnosed with HIV infection turned into AIDS in 12 months compared to only 24% of people ages 25-29 (:Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, 2013).

I find it surprising that seniors are still stereotyped as not being sexually active. With the plethora of sexual enhancement drugs out there I would think that doctors would discuss sexual habits with all of their patients including seniors. I feel that many seniors think they should hide their sexual lives because it is still considered to be "taboo" if elderly people engage in sexual intercourse.

References :

Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. (2013, December 23). HIV Among Older Americans.

Clark, A. (2006, August 18). Senior Citizens: The New Face Of AIDS.

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