
Review senate public health and welfare committee

Assignment Task:

Introduction: The Mississippi State Legislature was in session in 2024, and the legislative session moved quite quickly, with several bills introduced. These bills were then assigned to committees and are now at various stages- some are waiting to be debated and voted on in the chamber they were introduced, and others have been already been passed in one chamber and sent to the other chamber for a vote.


1. Review the bills that were assigned to either the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee

2. Or the House Public Health and Human Services Committee

3. Select a bill that interests you and review the full text of the bill as well as the history of actions (where it is in the legislative process).The selected bill must be different from the bill you chose for your first assignment in this course. Selecting the same bill seen in your previous assignment will result in a zero grade.

4. Write a letter to your state (not federal) representative or senator (whoever is going to vote on the bill next) either in support of or in opposition to the bill. You can find your legislators here. You may use Oxford, MS as your location if you are not from Mississippi. Need Assignment Help?

Letter Format:

  • Your draft must fill at least 2 pages.
  • Single-spaced, one-inch margins
  • 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • Business letter format

Your letter must address the following:

- Introduce yourself, the bill you are referencing, and the stance you support

- Clearly explain why they should support your view

  • Potential benefits if the policymaker supports your view
  • Potential consequences if the policymaker does not support your view

- Elaborate on facts and personal narratives that support what you are asking. Ensure that both are well weaved in together to make a strong stance on the subject matter

- Include references if appropriate

- Ask for a reply and thank them for their time and attention

- Be polite, professional, and positive

- Sample letters here (your letter should be longer and very detailed)

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