Review-republicans divided on trump expected daca


Access a news article pertaining to the federal government and either civil rights or civil liberties. The source must be less than four weeks old from the time of submission. Acceptable sources: The Dallas Morning News, NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Economist. You are to include the following criteria in your assignment:

1. Article title and source -

a. Using the MLA style of citation, where did you get the article?

b. Include the url, so it can be accessed.

2. Summary - Briefly and in your own words, summarize the content of the article.

3. Connection : Connect the article to a civil liberty or civil rights concept we have covered in class.

a. Identify the concept(s) that you state the article connects to. Include a definition or explanation of the concept.

b. Describe how the article illustrates the concept(s).

4. Connection: Connect the article to any federal government concept we have covered in class.

a. Define the concept(s) that you state the article connects to.

b. Describe how the article illustrates the concept(s).

Write your paper in paragraph form using good sentence structure with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Write the paper in your own words. If you need to use a short quote, cite properly. The paper should be at least 1 page in length, doublespaced, one inch margins, and 12-inch point font with good citation and MLA format.

1. Review the article: Republicans divided on Trump's expected DACA announcement By Edmund DeMarche

2. President Trump decided to repel a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival also known as DACA. "Under DACA - which was created through executive action by President Obama in 2012 - people who come to the U.S. illegally when they are children are protected from deportation and granted work permits." (DeMarche) The main issue that concerns everyone is that those children, many of who are now young adults, will be deported back to where they were born. But many of them only see America as their home. President Trump has given Congress six months to find a solution for the immigrants that were connected to DACA, roughly 800,000 immigrants.

3. The article is connected to the class concept of Separation of Power, the power that is divided into three branches: executive branch, legislature branch, and the judicial branch. The executive branch, also known as the President of the United States, is ending a program that was created by executive order. The President has stated that the legislative branch, Congress, must find a way to pass a federal law that reestablishes the same concept as DACA. The judicial branch has a role in this too, although they are not mentioned in the article. The judicial branch is responsible for checking that the actions of the executive and legislative branches are constitutional.

4. The demographics of the U.S. will be affected if Congress does not find a solution to the ending of DACA. According to the textbook, the Hispanic population is the second largest ethnic group in the U.S. By ending this program, 800,000 immigrants will be deported back to the hometown where their parents were from. From their viewpoint, they do not want to be separated from their families, jobs, and school. For many, the U.S. is all that they have known. Another viewpoint might be immigrants who have traveled to the U.S. through legal immigration. They might not see the need for a special program for undocumented people.

5. In this article, I wish to challenge President Donald Trump in his decision of ending the DACA program that former President Barack Obama created. Does our President know what he is doing other than getting rid of people he dislikes? In the article, Roy Beck stated, "It is time for President Trump to stop breaking one of the clearest campaign promises he made." (DeMarche) Because Donald Trump was determined to stop immigration from terror-prone places, but did not say anything about immigrants that has been more helpful than harmful to the United States.

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