
Review - reflections informative vs persuasive speech

Assignment task:

Reflections Informative vs. Persuasive Speech

We discussed Chapters 11 and 12 communications in the real world

What are THREE key terms from the textbook that you learned or want to remember, and what are their definitions? Answered: What's something you learned? How might you use this in your life?

Set up your answer to question 1 like this:

1. Key Term: Definition of the term, why you chose it.

2. Key Term: Definition of the term, why you chose it

3. Key Term: Definition of the term, why you chose it

Explain how one of the Additional Learning Materials (choose one that you liked) related to the key terms and concepts in the chapter(s). Be specific and explain why you believe it relates. 350+ words. What are THREE key terms you learned or want to remember, and what are their definitions?                                                                                                          

Example: TED Talk - Emily Balcetis: Why some people find exercise harder than others

If you'd like to watch more speeches, try TED

This one is on the topic of a culture, explained (similarly, although double the time, to your speeches on culture)

Of the four methods of informing (through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation), which do you think is most effective for you? Why? Use concepts from Chapter 11 to help explain your answer. 400+ words. Explain how one of the Additional Learning Materials (choose one that you liked) related to the key terms and concepts in the chapter(s). Be specific and explain why you believe it relates.

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Reference No:- TGS03420644

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